Big Brother Houseguests Dress Up For Halloween 2022 [PICS]

Big Brother houseguests celebrated Halloween this past weekend and Monday night, and some of them went all out. And we are treating you to the photos below with a full photo gallery.

Let’s give you a rundown of some of the costumes we’ve seen so far.

Big Brother 24 houseguests Taylor and Joseph donned some leather while on their cruise. And Michael went as his fellow BB24 houseguest Brittany (while his fiancรฉ Hayden put on the cat shirt and went as Michael). BB23 winner Xavier and his girlfriend dressed as Frozone and Elastigirl from The Incredibles. Fellow BB23 HGs Alyssa Lopez went as a UPS driver while Kyland pulled out his donkey costume from his season.

Other Big Brother alum showing up in costume this Halloween included Rachel and Brendon, Meg from BB17, Nicole and Victor, Kat, Nick and Tommy from BB21, Josh, Cody and Jessica from BB19. Can you figure out who everyone is? Let us know! Oh, and we also have Julie Chen Moonves. She went as the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz this year.

Be sure to check out our Big Brother Halloween 2022 photo gallery below and let us know who you think had the best costumes this year. Jessica and Cody really killed it with the Harry Potter theme. And of course Frankie went all out, but that’s to be expected when you have a professional team at your disposal. Some great costumes this year!

Big Brother Houseguests Celebrate Halloween 2022

Sources: Twitter, Instagram, Reddit



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