Big Brother Early Bird Discount Expiring Soon

The Big Brother Early Bird discount pricing for your Live Feeds is set to expire soon in just a few more days. If you’re planning to watch those in-house, uncensored cameras then you better “get to steppin'” or you’ll miss the sale and end up paying more.

Big Brother 16 Live Feeds Early Bird
Big Brother 16 Live Feeds Early Bird – Source: CBS

Every year I get signed up for the Big Brother Feeds because there’s really no other way to fully experience the show without them. CBS’s episodes are a great supplement, but when their edits are done the game we see on TV is often very different from actual events we watched days before.

If you’re new to Big Brother or trying to decide on the Feeds then here’s what you need to know. There are 76 cameras in that house this year, all in High-Def, and 100+ microphones. Using your Feeds subscription you can view up to four cameras at a time allowing you to watch and listen in on “private” conversations and events going on in the house.

Click here to sign-up now & get your Early Bird discount pricing

Not only do you get to watch the day to day events like scheming, lying, and backyard sunbathing, but when it comes time to endurance competitions, typically major turning points in the season, you’ll be able to watch them live as it plays out.

To get signed up you can visit this link and get your Season Pass for a one-time fee of $23.99 with the preseason, pre-order discount. That sale price ends next Wednesday, June 25, 2014 and then goes up to $26.99 for the exact same thing. There’s also a $9.99/month option available in-season, but you’ll pay $30 instead of $24 right now or $27 next week. If you’d rather pay more just send me the $3/$6 and get the Early Bird Season Pass instead.

Big Brother Live Feed - Early Bird sale

Speaking of sending me money, don’t. I do not accept donations. This site is entirely free for you. Instead I pay the bills each summer on this site thanks to readers visiting and signing up for their Live Feeds subscription by going through our links & banners. CBS pays all sites a referral commission for directing sign-ups to them. It does not cost you a single penny more to sign up through a fansite like us, so please do that even if it’s not mine.

Now if you just can’t get the Feeds, then that’s cool too because that’s why we’re here. Every day I’ll have daily event summaries for you to share and discuss what’s going on in the house complete with picture galleries (in lovely High-Def this season!). I won’t let you miss a thing.

In summary, Big Brother Live Feeds = awesome way to fully enjoy the season; Early Bird sale = best way to get your Season Pass; Waiting until later & paying more = not such a good idea. Enjoy!



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  1. Actually, why would someone pay to get live feeds ? CBS makes more than enough money in profits. They should offer the lived feeds free because you are making money off of us by just watching the show, giving it ratings which gives them leverage to charge more of product placement air time.

    • The infrastructure required to feed live television on the net is not cheap. I don’t know the numbers, but let say there’s 2 millions subscribers, you will probably have a few hundreds thousands people watching at any giving time, a 1.5 millions in peak time. Beside the initial investment in the hardware, you have recurring cost of maintenance and personel to operate the whole thing.
      So the choice are, doing like BBCAN and making it free, and get annoyed by the commercial every 5 minutes or make the user pay for it. $24 is not very expensive. Just the VCR function is worth the money.

    • To make things short: Live feeds subscriptions help pay the bills. I would not be surprised if BBCAN will finally make their viewers pay for them with their move to Global.

      Same goes for other BB versions where you have to pay to gain access to their feeds. One country even has a dedicated “BB After Dark” that airs 24/7 on cable.

      If the show is not making enough money from its revenue streams then it can’t support and maintain its infrastructure. It would lead to cutbacks, possibly leading to the complete removal of live feeds entirely, something BBUK is recently plagued with.

  2. So I did put my money where my mouth is and got the live feeds. First year for me.

  3. I enjoy the live feeds, however majority of the time the house guest aren’t really talking game, you just have to be lucky when you actually catch them talking about something important. It’s usually them eating or smoking talking about trivial things.

    • Which is what makes the Flashback/Archive/DVR feature so worthwhile. You can skip the fluff and zoom down to the good parts.

      Although there’s still a lot going on that you can learn about the game and HGs just watching the day-to-day parts as well.

      • That Flashback/Archive/DVR feature is the main reason I got the Live Feeds this year. To get everything you have to watch all the time, which is not very practical for most people. That’s where you come in, and you watch it all for us. I read your report in the morning and then I will be able to go back and watch the important stuff that I missed. Lets hope we have a great season. Less than 4 days to go.

    • I think what will keep these HG’s from being idle is to have BB give them tasks to keep them occupied so they won’t be wasting time lazing around.

  4. Ok Matt just signed up for the Very first time. I have always been back and forth. When i realized i could always cancel, I dove in.So I am a official Live Feed Virgin!

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