Big Brother Diary Room – Open Registration For Bloggers

Big Brother Diary Room

I have reopened free registration for the Big Brother Diary Room. Everyone is invited to join us on Big Brother Network in the Diary Room where you’ll have your own place to blog about Big Brother 11 to your heart’s content. Your posts will appear both on the front page of the Big Brother Diary Room and also in the Headlines section on the front page of Big Brother Network.

To register send me an email explaining why you would be a great member of the Diary Room and I’ll get you set up with your own Big Brother Diary Room account. This is only intended for big fans of the show who have a lot to say about what’s going on in the house, the shows, and on the live feeds.

You can get an idea of how it works by taking a look at posts from other BBDR members Janet, DoctorMisterMD, and KillerK. Here in the Big Brother Diary Room you’ll be able to blog about anything Big Brother and share in the discussion with other fans of the show.

So please join us. Enter the Big Brother Diary Room, make your “confessions,” and be part of something fun and exciting for this summer of Big Brother!

Restrictions: You must be at least 18 years of age to participate.



Commenting Rules: Keep the conversation civil and on topic. If your comment does not add to the conversation, it will be removed. Debate intelligently. Insulting the author, Big Brother Network, or other commentators will result in comment removal and possible ban. Any comments with links or flagged words will go into moderation before approval. Anything we deem as spam will not be approved. Comments left in ALL-CAPS will be deleted regardless of content.


  1. Did anything exciting happen on BBAD last night?? I feel asleep watching it…a first so I have no idea if anything changed in the house. I did notice that Russell was a little loosed-lipped and said something that should maybe have Jeff rethinking his plan…but I want to see Nat GONE she has no game

  2. I agree Natalie def does not have game. She is using Jesse, and it’s obvious Jesse is whipped in many ways. I mean a man of his size should have stood up for himself when she told him to go to bed. LOL! He’s obviously not as strong as he looks. Jeff needs to definitely use the Coup des Tat and flip the house upside down. Hey why not create World War 5 so to speak on Nat’s behalf. I think it’s time someone man’s up to the Athletes. They seem to have everyone underneath a spell which needs to be broken. I’m anxious to see what happens on Thurs. This is getting so exciting.

  3. I want Jessie and Natalie voted off so badly. Does anyone know if Jeff uses his Coup D and puts up Jessie and Natalie do they both go home right away or does that mean its voted on just like any other elimination only one goes home? Wouldn’t it just be so great to have them both go home immediately.

  4. I really really really want Jessie and Natalie out of the house.. I want Jeff to put them both up and see if Chima holds up her end by throwing a fit because she really did not have the power this week… GO TEAM JEFF AND JORDAN I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!

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