Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Premiere Night 2 Recap: Alliances Form, HOH Crowned

The second night of the Celebrity Big Brother 2019 premiere gave us a new Diary Room king, an HOH, our first nominees and alliances. A lot of alliances.

At the start of the episodes, the celebrity HGs were left to react to Julie’s news that Jonathan and Ryan will become the first Head of Household and nominee of the season. But which will be which? That will be decided during a head-to-head competition a little later.

Jonathan is a bit nervous to go up against an Olympic medalist, so he decides he wants to create an alliance of seven, so that if he ends up on the block he has the numbers to stay. He wants, himself, Ryan, Kandi, Tamar, Lolo, Natalie and Joey to team up for a power alliance. But Jonathan and Ryan agree they will be ride or dies for each other.

Tamar is down with the plan, so she and Kandi decide to let their past issues go to align and protect each other. Tamar let’s us know that just wants to keep an eye on Kandi so she won’t be Kandi’s target. Lolo and Natalie are also into it, so Lolo goes to Joey. But before she can even talk to him he says he doesnโ€™t want an alliance and says that’s a word he doesn’t even want to hear. I guess he’s never seen Big Brother. Lolo tells Jonathan what Joey said and he says, fine, Joey is out. And then a four splits off with Ryan, Jonathan, Lolo and Natalie. And the two girls decide to be ride or dies. That would be a an interesting final four, but a little too much like Big Brother 20 for my liking.

But wait, there are more alliances. Tamar approaches Lolo, Natalie and Kandi for an all-woman alliance. They all agree, and even decide to name themselves The Four Tops, but Natalie reminds us she and Lolo are already in a four-person alliance with Ryan and Jonathan. She doesnโ€™t say which alliance she prefers, but it would seem to be the one with Jonathan and Ryan.

It’s time for the rest of the HOH comp! Itโ€™s Ryan vs. Jonathan. They have to zip through air on a zipline and try to knock down a billboard for a fake movie theyโ€™re starring each in. After a solid battle, Ryan wins the first HOH of the season. That means Jonathan becomes the first nominee. Julie lets Ryan know that he sill has to nominate two people to sit next to Jonathan. So there are three nominees. And Ryan has 30 minutes to make his nominations.

Meanwhile, Mooch pitches a deal to Tom and Kato to not target each other, and yet another alliance is formed.

Ryan tells his allies that he’s thinking of nominating Dina and Anthony. Everyone agrees – until Ryan and Jonathan are alone. Jonathan reminds us that Dina was like as second mother to him after he starred in “Mean Girls” with Lindsay Lohan. Yeah, if you hadn’t heard, Jonathan was in “Mean Girls.” With Lindsay Lohan. So Jonathan talks Ryan out of nominating Dina and it shifts to Tom. Not sure what happened to going after Joey since he doesn’t even want the word alliance muttered, but OK.

And itโ€™s time for the first nomination ceremony. And there’s no key box or anything. Ryan has to just stand before the others and make his two nominations. His first nominee is Anthony. His second nominee is Tom. So they take a seat next to Jonathan. And Ryan’s alliance is as confused and annoyed with the Tom nominee as I, and a lot of people on social media are. Tom has already emerged as the Diary Room king of the season with some great one-liners and stories, so seeing him go so early would really be terrible. So here’s to hoping Tom can win veto or survive the first vote of the season.

What did you think of the second episode of Celebrity Big Brother 2? Did Ryan make the right choices for nominations? Are you tired of hearing about Jonathan starring in “Mean Girls”?



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