Big Brother Celebrity Spoilers: Round 6 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother

We’re back with the latest Celebrity Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds and here are the latest results. The Veto competition is over and now we’ve got a look at who could be the final noms for this round of CBB.

Everyone was playing today since we’re down to just five Houseguests. They each faced an individual timed performance challenge, so of course, it was going to take a long, long time. Luckily though it did finally finish and we have the results!

Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: Round 6 Veto Competition Results:

  • Ross won the Power of Veto!

It took us a long while to figure this one out, but Ross told Mark the nominations were staying the same, our first clue. Then Ari mentioned Ross won 3 Vetos and before tonight he had 2. So there we go. Ross won the Veto this round.

So now Ross can decide what to do since he holds all the power. He’s going to keep Ari and Omarosa on the Block with Omarosa going out the door first on Sunday night. Ross has already promised Ari she’ll be safe and I believe him. Ross isn’t voting, but Marissa and Mark will keep Ari over Omarosa and even if it split Ross would keep Ari. So there we go for the next eviction.

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  1. Ohhh Omarosa should be gone tomorrow night in next eviction. Iโ€™m happy she will be leaving, although she wasnโ€™t as obnoxious as she has been on other shows or interviews Iโ€™ve seen.

    • I never really saw her in any other show. But I was expecting her to be much more worst then she is. Her entrance to the house was making me think she was going to play diva. But he wasnโ€™t bad at all finally.

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