‘Celebrity Big Brother’ Spoilers: Round 6 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Veto medallion back in the box

This week’s Veto Ceremony is over and we have our final Celebrity Big Brother noms for the final regular round of the season. Read on for the latest Big Brother spoilers for the Power of Veto events.

We just got the Veto competition spoilers a bit ago so this meeting came up quickly as the Houseguests had to rush into the meeting and get ready for Sunday’s season finale show.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Round 6

  • Ross did not use the Veto
  • Omarosa & Ari are this week’s final noms

Before the meeting, Ross had already promised Ari that she’d be safe this round even if she stayed up on the Block. Now with Ross holding the power, he could make sure Omarosa stayed right where they needed her for the next vote.

There will be two votes cast and those belong to Mark and Marissa. They’ll both vote against Omarosa and she’ll be out the door first in the season finale. She won’t be the only one to go though as we’ll need three HGs out the door for our F2 and the Jury’s decision. Get ready, Celebrity Big Brother is almost all over!

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  1. So Oma is likely gone, leaving Ross & Mark, Ari & Marissa, to battle for final HoH.

    You have to admit that nice, responsible, mature, non-threatening Mark is sitting in a pretty sweet spot right now. Will anyone not take him to F2?

    Ari might not; she’s about girl power as long as it doesn’t interfere with her money.

    • Not sure I agree. I think Ross is smart enough to take Marissa (if he’s the final HOH.) Mark’s so well liked that even though he was a floater he might be dangerous to take to F2. Who dislikes him? If you take Marissa she might have grated on nerves enough to give Ross the victory if he uses Game Play as an argument (IF he’s the one making the choice I mean.) Same argument for the others. Mark’s so likable, with James and Metta in Jury maybe he’s a big risk to take regardless of who the Final HOH is.

      • One thing is certain tho – I don’t think even Marissa would take Ross to F2 if he doesn’t win final HoH.

        And if they were smart they would keep Oma over Ari as the obvious choice for 2nd place in F2.

      • I don’t know. Oma seems like a smart choice but she’s a master of deceit. She could spin things dangerously if she’s in the F2. But then again everyone’s had the ability to see the shows so they’ll all know she’s full of it. (Except for Metta who’ll be an hour and a half late because he thought they said TBS Studios instead of CBS Studios and has already forgotten he lived there.) The more I think about it the more I think you’re probably right. If the HGs are back home instead of confined to a Jury house all their family and friends will probably pop in to give their opinions too. So maybe she IS the smartest one to take! But it’s an emotional game. Paul was the best player (imo) for BB19 but they gave it to someone they didn’t feel betrayed by. Paul played a much smarter, harder game but bitter jurors burned him. I don’t know, man! You’re making me think too hard!!! 8-o

      • LOL sorry dude!

        I still think they should take Omarosa to final 4 and evict Ari if they are serious about winning.

      • I think they should have never gotten out james that’s who u want to be next to in the end! I really don’t get y o did that since the night before she’s telling ari about how james thinks he can win but couldn’t name 5 people that would vote for him, then the next day she puts him up? At this point in the game ari and Ross are the threats. so many people hate. James they wouldn’t vote for him I don’t get it

      • Who is the biggest threat left? Omarosa: Master of deceit and does her best to get in their heads to confuse them. Would taking her to F2 be the smartest move? Depends on who wins the final HOH. Taking Ari to F2, is that a smarter move? Let’s try to decipher this as best we can and yes, we all will disagree here and no problem cause I might miss something.

        Ari: If she wins final HOH, more than likely she will take either Marissa or Ross. If she is really smart, she will take either Marissa or Mark. I know Mark is really liked but with 5 women voting plus Ross, she will win over Mark. It could go either way if Marissa is in the F2 but it would ensure a female wins,
        Omarosa: Only if she is the one staying, her best choice would be to take Ross. Many of the women do not like him and it would ensure her best chances of winning.
        Mark: His best choice to win would be to take Ross.
        Marissa: Her best choice for a win would be to take Ross to F2. I doubt anyone else could win against her unless Omarosa stays and is there.
        Ross. His very best chance to win is against Marrisa. I know all about how they worked together and how she has her best chance of winning against him but this is also his best chance to win as well. These two will have the closet vote.

        As for Paul last year, Paul could have won if he would have just been honest in his goodbye messages to jury members. Also if he had not bragged so much in the F2 talk he gave. Yes the jury was bitter but he could have lessened the bitterness by admitting to what he did during his goodbye messages for them.

  2. I was starting to warm to Omarosa until I saw the clip show tonite and was reminded of how she quickly resorted to the race card with Shannon.

    Bye. B!tch.

    • Something happened when she left the house for her “asthma attack “. She was a complete different person after that.

    • Ya that was too much esp since she said it as Shannon was leaving so it was after she had already berated her about everything and didn’t like the answers she was getting

  3. Omarosa made a very bad decision to cut James when she did. He and Mark were the only 2 who wouldn’t have put her up, and even if someone put her up it may be beside James and they’d probably vote him out being the bigger threat.

  4. So, I have a question?
    Since Ross is defending HOH, is he eligible to be HOH in the final four competition?
    I don’t think its fair if he is.
    He was just HOH in the final five!
    Curious because someone mentioned that he would be battling for HOH in the final 4.

  5. I knew Ross couldn’t be trusted when he told Ari that he would protect her!
    He could have taken her down, putting Marissa up!
    He would then ask Ari and Mark to vote out Omarosa.
    Now, the vote could be split.
    MARISSA voting Omarosa out, and Mark voting Ari out.
    Ross then voting Ari out.
    Blood on Ross’s hands!

    • Hmmm – are you getting the impression that Ross wants Ari out from the feeds? My understanding is that he was dead set on Omarosa. Although if they were all smart & playing to win, Omarosa is the obvious choice to bring to F4 instead of Ari.

    • Ross is smart enough to know that Omarosa will send him out the door in final four if she wins final HOH. Taking Ari to final four is the smartest move. If Mark votes Ari out and Marissa votes out Omarosa, then Ari wins Final HOH after Ross just saved her, then for sure Mark will go up. Sadly so will Ross because Ari wants a female to win.

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