Big Brother Canada 2 House Pictures Released [PHOTOS]

Big Brother Canada 2 starts on March 5th and so just as we’ve come to expect with any Big Brother preseason news wave we’ve got the house pictures being released by Slice, the home of BBCAN2.

Big Brother Canada 2

We had a blast covering Big Brother Canada on our other site last year and are looking forward to doing it again this season. Yes, it requires some streaming and workarounds since Feeds are geo-restricted, but where there’s a will there’s a way, folks. We’ll share details soon on how you too can watch Big Brother Canada from the US.

Since production up there had to change locations they built an entirely new house for the 2014 season and hopefully beyond barring any other venue changes. With new construction comes new opportunities and the chance to build upon, literally!, what they learned last season.

The new house looks amazing and offers a lot of cool features we’d love to see on Big Brother 16 if they had the chance to do some extensive remodeling, though I’d expect the house’s physical layout to be fixed again.

click images to see full-size

The new backyard is smaller, but made up for that by moving the pool out of the way. The bathroom looks great but again only has one toilet (what gives with this sadistic designers?). I’m not such a fan of the kitchen with its circular, Star Trek inspired layout, but we’ll see how it works once it’s in action next week.

The one, giant bedroom would drive me nuts. BBUS uses the room divisions for sneaky chatter and plotting which they’d lose here. Plus just imagine getting one snoring HG in the mix. Uggggh!

Check out the sampler of pictures here and then jump over to our Big Brother Canada website for the full set of pics and join us there all season starting next week for lots more BBCAN2 coverage!



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  1. All of these updates are getting me ready for a new and exciting season!
    Quick question though, is the house going to be in the same location (Mississauga) as last year? Or is it somewhere else in Canada

  2. It is located at Showline Studios in Toronto Canada. Their exact address is 915 Lake Shore Blvd. East, Toronto. They will be using the largest studio in the building. It is studio #14k. It is over 13,000 sqft.

    this info was from BB Group.

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