Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Veto Competition Results – Week 3

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother - CBS

Veto results are in for your Big Brother spoilers today in Week 3 of BB26 as the new HOH, working with The Collective, has set his target for the next eviction.

Overnight we listened in as Cedric met with the rest of the Collective and discussed which of the other HGs would be their best option to eliminate. At the time it sounded like Angela would be their top pick, but Kenney isn’t far behind. With them both back on the Big Brother Block together this could finally be the weekend to send one of them out.

The Veto players today included Cedric as the HOH plus his three Noms: Angela, Kenney, and Tucker. Joining the group was Leah and Makensy as the drawn players for this week’s Veto comp.

HGs were interested to see what Makensy could do in a competition, but do we really think she’s going to be playing too hard to win something when she doesn’t need it? Don’t forget she’s got that America’s Veto sitting in her back pocket through Week 4.

Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Week 3 Veto Competition Results:

  • Tucker won the Power of Veto!
Tucker on Big Brother 26 - CBS
Tucker on Big Brother 26 – CBS

Okay, well that definitely means Tucker will be using the Veto so we’ll see some action at the POV meeting which marks the third straight week of the medallion not ending up back in the box. That’s great! But now it also means more work for Cedric. Will he go after Leah like he’s contemplated? Or maybe it’s time for Makensy to go up and use her America’s Veto power? That wouldn’t be so bad to see something happen with at least one of those Upgrades.

What do you think should happen at the Ceremony once Cedric is forced to name a renom?

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