Big Brother 26: The Best And Worst Moments Of Week 8

Quinn Martin evicted on Big Brother 26 - CBS

We are now into Big Brother 26 Week 9. That means we have just under a month until a new winner is crowned. But before we get ahead of ourselves, we need to look back at the highs and lows from Week 8. It was another weird week. But that’s the BB26 way.

Worst: Chelsie Wins HOH

I list this as a worst moment only because Chelsie plays a much better game when she’s not in power. And we saw that this week. All the weeks she was not HOH she was plotting and figuring things out that make sense. But the two times she’s been in power, none of her moves or plans seem to really make sense for her game. Her initial nominees of Angela and Kimo were just more of the same. Boring. And then she decides to put Quinn up, who I think would be more likely to take her further than the trio. But who knows really, with this cast.

Worst: OTEV Disaster

I still cannot believe that Makensy won OTEV after one round because everyone but her had the wrong answer. Before I saw it play out on Wednesday night’s episode, I just assumed it was this cast being dumb dumbs, but then I saw it was actually a trick question and this is the kind of competition where you really want speed to be a factor, not knowledge. These questions are supposed to be riddle-type questions that have to make you think just a little, not a lot. So this blunder was on production, not the players. We all had a good laugh and production had to work overtime at editing something that would fill more than four minutes of an hour-long episode. Now who are the dumb dumbs?

Best: Angela’s Paranoia

Sometimes it’s annoying. Sometimes it’s funny. But it’s always entertaining. I don’t really credit Angela for getting herself off the block this week and Quinn put up, but it got the ball rolling. But that’s beside the point. My point here is, I am so glad that Angela is still in the house because after losing Tucker, and now Quinn, the stars of the show are gone. Say what you will, but Tucker, Quinn and Angela are Big Brother 26. Quinn was never my favorite – I never like Diary Room screamers – and I am Team Tucker in their little exaggerated rivalry. But Angela still being there will hopefully keep us from getting too bored.

Best: The Veto Is Used Again

I am not sure it was a good move (actually I know it probably wasn’t), but one thing you can say about BB26 is, it’s going to be known for its history-making moments. And the veto getting used an eighth week in a row! That’s unheard of. And most of those times it wasn’t even used ON the person who won it.

Best: Jerry O’Connell Steps In

It was weird for Chenbot to not host the show, but it was kind of refreshing to see someone new do it. It’s actually incredible that Julie never had to take time off from the show. Even Johnny Carson back in the day had fill-ins from time to time. Jerry did a solid job.

Best: Quinn’s Hidden Immunity Idol

Quinn clearly is a great guy. Sometimes we just don’t love a player and this season Quinn was it for a lot of people. But that’s all part of this experience. You love some, don’t love others. And that’s all fine as long as you keep it all respectable. This is just a game on TV and these players are all actually real human beings. All that being said, I am not Quinn’s biggest fan. I think he tried to hard and it didn’t always pay off. But in the moments when you could see him being himself, I liked him. And he finally made me genuinely laugh during his interview with Jerry when he pulled out a hidden immunity idol he created as a gag and a callout to Survivor.

Best Move of The Week: Angela throwing Quinn and Leah under the bus. I think Chelsie always wanted Quinn or Leah up this week, but Angela going to Chelsie reminded her of that. It got her thinking that Quinn can’t be trusted. So even thought Angela didn’t really make this all happen, it at least reminded Chelsie that Angela wasn’t the move this week.

Worst Move of The Week: Makensy and Chelsie blindsiding Quinn and Leah. There was no point in doing that. Especially when you’re at jury. That kind of move is how you lose votes. I love a blindside. I enjoyed it, but that was just a bad game move on their parts.




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