‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night In Week 8?

Julie Chen Moonves hosts Big Brother on CBS

It was time to find out who was the first Juror of the Big Brother 26 season with this week’s live show with six votes on the line and another Houseguest set to be evicted. “But First” we still need to wrap up that Power of Veto Meeting that’s going to leave plenty of fans frustrated or maybe even upset with the decision ahead. Once that’s done we’ll be set to see who was voted out last night on Big Brother!

Important Notice: Our steadfast host Julie Chen will not be able to be at the show tonight. For the *first* time in 26 seasons and 24 years, Julie will not be there for the live show. She announced earlier today she was recovering from Covid and instead Jerry O’Connell would fill in. We wish her a speedy recovery and will see her back here next week!

The cliffhanger took us to Makensy’s Veto win after a disappointing OTEV performance which ended after the first round (watch for rules changed next year to send “wrong answers” back to not be the last to find the right one). Now she’ll decide to use the Veto or not and Chelsie will name her renom.

And remember, there is no Arena battle in this week. That’s done and over, BUT, Big Brother has promised a new BBAI twist to be revealed for the coming week (weeks?). We’ll find out more on that shortly.

Don’t miss this week’s Big Brother eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s Paramount+ Premium plan in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight. Grab the Free Trial and check out the show then watch the Feeds that follow.

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Jerry O'Connell hosts Big Brother 26 - CBS
Jerry O’Connell hosts Big Brother 26 – CBS

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 8 Veto Ceremony:

  • Makensy decided to save Angela
  • Final Noms are Quinn and Kimo

With the final noms of the week set it’ll be time for the HGs to get to their voting and send someone out the door to Jury. The undesirable position of being the first Juror, but someone has got to do it!

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 8 Votes:

  • T’kor votes to evict: Quinn
  • Leah votes to evict: Kimo
  • Angela votes to evict: Kimo
  • Rubina votes to evict: Quinn
  • Makensy votes to evict: Quinn
  • Cam votes to evict: Quinn

By a vote of 4-2, Quinn is out and off to Jury!

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 8 Eviction:

  • Quinn Martin was evicted
Quinn Martin evicted on Big Brother 26 - CBS
Quinn Martin evicted on Big Brother 26 – CBS

Another HG out of the house to become the first member of the Jury. That leaves us with just eight Houseguest and a month left in the season. This pace is about to pick up! But first things first, we need a new Head of Household!

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 9 HOH:

After the show, we’ll be going to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout with the new HOH & the start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!

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