‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night In Week 10 Double Eviction?

Double Eviction night on BB26 - CBS
Double Eviction night on BB26 – CBS

It’s the biggest night of the season each year, aside from the finale of course, and it’s finally here: Double Eviction! The Big Brother 26 Houseguests were tipped off this week that AINSLEY was up to something and at this point with the numbers dwindling they have to expect what’s ahead. Either way, we are ready to find out who was voted out last night in the Double Eviction!

Makensy is the outgoing HOH with her noms set as potential allies Leah and Angela on the Block. Chelsie should be on the sidelines rubbing her hands together over a week well done for her own game. Kudos and credit where it’s due. This round kept the theme going this season of HOHs getting out their allies and it’s about to happen again at least in the first round. If Rubina ends up getting Kimo evicted tonight it’d just be the cherry on top (that ain’t happening, I’m just kidding!).

First up we’re going to spin through the easy voting round of Angela versus Leah before we make a made dash through another HOH comp, nominations ceremony, Veto competition, Veto ceremony, and finally another live eviction vote. That will end the hour with just five HGs left on Big Brother this season. The follow-on HOH competition will be much later in the night and we’ll have those spoilers then.

Don’t miss this week’s Big Brother eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s Paramount+ Premium plan in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight. Grab the Free Trial and check out the show then watch the Feeds that follow.

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Nominees Angela and Leah - CBS
Nominees Angela and Leah – CBS

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 10 Votes:

  • Kimo votes to evict: Leah
  • Chelsie votes to evict: Leah
  • Cam votes to evict: Leah
  • Rubina votes to evict: Leah

By a vote of 4-0, Leah has been evicted.

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 10 Eviction:

  • Leah Peters was evicted

Okay, that’s just the first round. Now it’s time to dash through that long lineup of part two in tonight’s Big Brother Double Eviction!

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 10.5 HOH:

  • Round 1: Everyone but Kimo gets a point
  • Round 2: Chelsie & Cam get a point
  • Round 3: Chelsie gets a point
  • Round 4: Everyone but Rubina gets a point
  • Round 5: Everyone but Cam gets a point
  • Round 6: Rubina & Angela get a point
  • Round 7: Cam & Angela get a point
  • Tie-breaker – Angela Vs Chelsie: Chelsie wins!

Angela went over with her guess by a few thousand and Chelsie was way, way under the target # with her guess. Chelsie wins by default.

Chelsie and Cam celebrate inside the house and she whispers “Angela goes home.” So there we go.

Double Eviction HOH comp 01

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 10.5 Nominations:

  • Chelsie nominated: Angela & Kimo
Angela and Kimo nominated on BB26 - CBS
Angela and Kimo nominated on BB26 – CBS

Noms are set so let’s get to seeing who will race to safety in tonight’s Veto competition. Everyone will be competing in this battle with just six HGs left.

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 10.5 Veto Comp:

  • Kimo wins the Power of Veto

He’s definitely using that Veto! That keeps our POV streak alive this season. It’s nuts!

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 10.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Kimo decides to use the Veto on himself
  • Chelsie names Rubina as the renom
  • Final Noms are: Angela & Rubina

The choices are set and one of these two noms will be following out the first eviction on the way to Jury for the next two weeks.

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 10.5 Votes:

  • Kimo votes to evict: Angela
  • Makensy votes to evict: Angela
  • Cam votes to evict: Angela

By a vote of 3-0, Angela has been voted out.

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 10.5 Eviction:

  • Angela Murray was evicted

And then there were five! We are down to the final stretch here of BB26 with just two more evictions over the next two weeks before the F3 is revealed for finale night. Take note the rest of the Big Brother 26 schedule is about to get weird. Sunday’s show is late at 10:30PM ET (10PM PT, 9:30PM CT), there are no more Wednesday episodes, next Thursday is a two-hour show (8/7c), and then another late Sunday show at 10/9c.

Big Brother 26 Results – Week 11 HOH:

After the show, we’ll be going to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout with the new HOH & the start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!

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