‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH? Week 11

Head of Household competition on Big Brother - CBS

Things are still calming down after the rush of Thursday’s Double Eviction event that sent both Leah and Angela (The Lorraines) off to the Jury House in back to back fashion. Now with just five HGs left in the game and no one in charge it was time to set a new leader. Let’s find out who won HOH this week on Big Brother 26!

Chelsie beat out Angela in a tiebreaker when Angela overshot the target number and that cost Angela her game. But winning cost Chelsie her chance at this HOH so she better hope for an ally to pull off the victory. Wait, do all the HGS consider Chelsie an ally already? Geez, she’s going to win this whole thing, right?

That left Cam, Kimo, Makensy, and Rubina battling it out to be the new Head of Household and we’ve got your results right here.

Big Brother 26 Week 11 HoH Comp:

  • Makensy is the new Head of Household

The competition was the Tiny HOH, the same idea behind the Tiny Veto competition. We’ll see it play out on Sunday’s late night episode.

HOH Makensy on BB26 - CBS

Again? Wow. She won when she really needed it here as I imagine she was going to be a fav to target here. But instead Makensy won herself some safety and a seat at the F4 of the season. So will she go after Rubina and Kimo or Cam and Chelsie? Was Makensy getting nervous about Chelsie in the last few days when she realized she did her dirty work by renoming Leah? We won’t have to wait long for those nominations.

We’ll have more spoilers for the week on Friday with the Nominations and then there are the Power of Veto comp results on Saturday. We’ll be watching and updating with the latest results as the weekend rolls on so be sure to keep checking back for the latest spoilers.

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