Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 10: Thursday Daytime Highlights

It was eviction day in the Big Brother 26 house and after Ainsley’s warning this week, the houseguests are expecting the double eviction tonight. So fears were running a bit high in the house today as they got ready for the live show.

Makensy seemed to be the most concerned since she is the outgoing Head of Household and can’t compete in the competition. Meanwhile, Leah was fully prepared to walk out the door to meet Julie tonight.

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, September 26, 2024:

9:22 AM BBT – Houseguests are getting up for the day. The double eviction jitters are apparent.

10:00 AM BBT – Feeds are down for rehearsals and show prep.

12:29 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Houseguests continue getting ready for the night’s live show.

12:45 PM BBT – Leah is trimming up Kimo’s hair as Rubina and Chelsie do their makeup. Meanwhile Angela is doing dishes.

1:06 PM BBT – Leah shows Makensy the dress she’s wearing for tonight’s eviction.

1:30 PM BBT – Makensy tells Angela that she is scared of the double eviction. She says she has no idea what some people are thinking as far as targets go. Makensy is worried about Kimo and Rubina. Angela tells Makensy that Kimo loves Angela so she might be able to have some pull there. She says she will do whatever it takes to keep Makesny safe. She tells Makensy she can talk to Kimo and Rubina for her. Makensy says no, don’t do that. Angela says she can’t lose both of her girls in the same night.

1:39 PM BBT – Makensy goes to tell Chelise that Angela feels very safe if Kimo wins HOH so now she’s really worried he will target her. Chelsie tells Makensy not to worry about things that aren’t there yet.

1:57 PM BBT – Leah tells Angela she is nervous to talk to Julie. She doesn’t know if she’ll be good at answering Julie’s questions.

2:00 PM BBT – Chelsie and Cam talk about what their lives will be like after Big Brother. Cam says he thinks there will be good opportunities for them.

2:01 PM BBT – Makensy tells Rubina that Angela was feeling very comfortable with the idea of a Kimo HOH win.

2:03 PM BBT – Kimo comes in and Makensy tells him that Angela says she would feel safe if he wins HOH. Kimo kind of shrugs that off. Kimo and Rubina aren’t really giving Makensy much.

2:11 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the live show prep.

We didn’t get much from today’s live feeds, but we do know that Leah is all but guaranteed to meet Julie tonight and Makensy is really panicking over the double eviction.

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