Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup – Week 2

Lisa Weintraub on Big Brother 26 - CBS

Rolling through the second week of Big Brother 26 with the latest spoilers for you with everything that has happened since Thursday’s live eviction show that sent Matt Hardeman home as the first eliminated HG. Since then we’ve had the HOH comp, nominations, Veto comp, and even some updates on the AI secret powers and what we might expect at Monday’s Veto meeting. On to all the latest here.

BBAI Upgrades:
Once again Quinn did not enact his Deepfake HOH which leaves him with just two more HOH rounds to put that into play. If another ally or non-threat gets it next week then I expect he’ll have to burn through it in Week 4. Same goes for Makensy and her America’s Veto. With her dodging the Block again and considering she wouldn’t use the Veto last round to save Matt then there’s likely no chance we see it after Monday’s Veto meeting.

CBS is going to want to see at least one of these come into play here so with half the life left in these powers I expect to see something happen on them before too long. Or would you rather them just fade out?

Head of Household:
Your new HOH is Chelsie. She snagged the power of control this week even after saying she didn’t really want to have that position at this point in the game. Too late now though!

Chelsie was trying hard to avoid the role of naming names for the nominations. She asked and tried to get suggestions and even managed to get a few pawn options, but in the end she avoided using allies for Noms.

Noms were revealed on Friday and once again we had three faces on the screen when the Feeds return. After considering using Cam or Cedric the nominations fell to Angela, Kenney, and Lisa. That’s the second trip to the Block for both Lisa and Kenney. Angela was a no-brainer and just being the first HOH makes you an easy choice for Week 2 nomination, but then add on her loose cannon behavior and it’s a quick route to the chopping Block.

Power of Veto Comp:
Veto played out on Saturday and when your back is against the wall it’s time to come out swinging. After lamenting being up against Matt and contemplating giving up his own game we saw Kenney get his head back in the game and pull off the PoV win this week.

Power of Veto Ceremony:
Kenney has already confirmed that he will be staying this week so he is rightfully going to be using the Veto on himself. After that Chelsie is going to have to figure out someone to go up in his place. She already even asked Kenney and said it was so she didn’t renom an ally, but he isn’t going to get himself mixed up in that. Tucker has mentioned he may be willing to play the pawn role. Terrible idea!

We’ll see what happens on Monday but it’s going to be a pawn going up with the two other Noms that are both valuable evictions for most of the HGs. Chelsie would prefer Lisa out the door and several others would be thrilled for Angela to head home next. Choices, choices!

What do you think of this weekend’s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the win? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you don’t have it, then be sure to download our app now!



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