‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH? Week 2

Head of Household competition on Big Brother - CBS
Head of Household competition on Big Brother – CBS

One eviction down, and a lot of weeks left to go on Big Brother 26. Now it’s time for the next Head of Household to be crowned and we have your latest Big Brother spoilers to reveal the results!

We just watched as Kimo secured his safety and the House voted Matt Hardeman out over Kenney. Now Angela’s reign of terror is over and she’s back among the commoners which means we need a new HOH to rule over the unwashed masses! Anyone but Angela, so let’s see what we get it!

Live Feeds came back briefly about an hour or so after the end of the live show and HGs discussed expecting the HOH competition to start up during the west coast broadcast. That was a nice surprise for us to get a little Feeds time after the show since we recently were getting the silent treatment until after the west coast show wrapped up.

While we listened in it sounded like Makensy, Leah, and Lisa could end up the next round of targets as they were the only three to “vote against the House.” Sigh. If anyone daring to have an independent thought against the mob gets automatically targeted the next round I’m going to be disappointed.

Big Brother 26 Week 2 HoH Comp:

  • Chelsie Baham is the new Head of Household
Chelsie Baham on Big Brother 26
Chelsie Baham on Big Brother 26 – CBS

Will Chelsie keep up with the discussion for going after the few HGs that didn’t fall in line with the rest of the votes on Thursday? We will know soon enough!

Nominations are coming up on Friday then the Power of Veto comp on Saturday. We’ve got a couple of busy days ahead so let’s settle in and see what we get next. Stick around for more spoilers!

Stay close by and we’ll keep you updated all weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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