Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Week 11 Nominations

Nominations Today on Big Brother 26

We are so close to the end of Big Brother 26 but there’s still work to be done and today that means nominations being set. The new Head of Household was crowned overnight and decisions were quickly made for the ceremony ahead. No real surprises here so let’s get on to the latest Big Brother spoilers.

Makensy finds herself between two duos and as she did last week, she’s going in the direction of siding with Chelsie & Cam over Kimo & Rubina. So that makes her choice here straight forward as Makensy sends her target duo to the Block together.

Big Brother 26 Week 10 Nominations:

  • Makensy nominated: Rubina & Kimo

There are only five HGs remaining so everyone plays for the Veto. If Kimo or Rubina win the Veto then they’re obviously using the power to escape the Block, leaving Makensy to name a renom. Despite Chelsie being her biggest threat to winning the season it does appear that Makensy would renom Cam instead of Chelsie. The target wouldn’t be Cam though and the remaining member of her original noms would be the target. And in that arrangement, we would see a split vote for Makensy to tiebreak. Could be an interesting week ahead with the right turn of events.

Would you have made the same nominations or do you think you’d go for Cam & Chelsie on the Block?

Veto comp will be on Saturday and we’ll know more then before we close in on Monday’s Veto Meeting.

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