Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 11: Friday Daytime Highlights

It was nomination day in the Big Brother 26 house, and only half of the eligible nominees got to work trying to ensure their safety this week.

With the new Head of Household only having four options for nominations, the most-likely choices are very clear, but two of the four tried to do some work to keep themselves as safe as possible this week. Read on to find out what the nomination plans were for the week and who the likely eviction target will be.

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, September 27, 2024:

9:25 AM BBT – Houseguests are starting their day.

9:26 AM BBT – Chelsie tells Cam that Makensy is overcomplicating things. She says Kimo and Rubina know they’re going up so Makensy doesn’t need to play games. Cam says they only have to be concerned if one of the noms wins veto. Chelsie says they need to get Kimo out.

9:40 AM BBT – Makensy tells Rubina she’s not worried about Cam because Chelsie has him wrapped around her finger. She says she’s worried about Kimo. She says she is concerned about Chelise and Cam and will deal with that if she has to, but right now her worry is Kimo.

9:42 AM BBT – Makensy lets Rubina know that she is aware Chelsie and Cam will prioritize each other, but Chelsie did keep her safe during the double eviction when she could have easily targeted her.

9:45 AM BBT – Rubina tells Makensy that there’s something she wants to share. She tells Makensy that Chelsie was directing Rubina to put up Makesny if she won the double eviction HOH. Makensy says she’s not afraid of Chelise. Makensy does not seem to care what Rubina is saying.

9:54 AM BBT – Kimo goes to the HOH after Rubina leaves. Makensy tells him there aren’t many options left for nominations. Makensy says she’s not stupid when it comes to Chelsie and Cam, but Chelise made it clear when she put Rubina up instead of Cam.

10:00 AM BBT – Makensy tells Kimo she keeps hearing that the people she has been protecting aren’t really doing the same for her. He tells her that he will protect her if she protects him this week. Makensy tells him that she can’t promise anything yet because she doesn’t want to have to go back on her words. Kimo says he will understand whatever decision she makes.

10:15 AM BBT – Kimo gives Makensy nothing and leaves. Chelsie enters. Makensy tells Chelsie that Rubina told her Chelise wanted Rubina to take a shot at Makensy during the double. Chelsie says she did not mention Makensy specifically as a target, but did say anyone sitting next to Makensy will lose. Chelsie says she was really just trying to see if Rubina would actually target Makensy so they’d know.

10:20 AM BBT – Makensy tells Chelise that she’s terrified about next week. She says she did not want to win this HOH. Chelsie says she wanted this HOH but knew she had to win the double. Chelsie says if Rubina wins HOH next week she’ll target Cam. Chelsie says Cam has no blood on his hands.

10:22 AM BBT – Makensy says that Rubina insinuated that Kimo would have taken a shot at Makensy and Chelsie if he won the double eviction HOH competition.

10:30 AM BBT – Chelsie says Kimo needs to go because when he’s gone she thinks that Rubina will fold like Angela did after Leah was evicted.

10:45 AM BBT – Makensy is worried about Cam. Chelsie tells her that since they are responsible for most of the jurors being there their best shot at winning is going to the end with each other, not with Cam since he has no blood on his hands. Chelsie tells Makensy that she did consider putting Cam up as the replacement during the double, but knew he would go. She says she considered Cam before she would have considered Maksney.

10:50 AM BBT – Cam enters the HOH room. Chelsie tells Cam that Rubina and Kimo are playing the game they’ve been playing – trying to make people that are close think they’re turning on each other. She tells him that Rubina told Makensy Chelsie wanted Rubina to take a shot at Makensy.

10:54 AM BBT – Chelsie says the main schemer is Kimo and says she should be the one to go this week. She says Kimo is charming and trustworthy, so you don’t really expect he would be scheming against you but he totally is.

11:00 AM BBT – Makensy tells Cam how worried she is about next week because she can’t compete in the next Head of Household. Cam tells her that she’ll win veto and will be fine so there’s no reason for her to worry.

11:20 AM BBT – Chelsie tells Kimo that Makensy is crushing it and anyone sitting next to her in the final 2 will lose. Kimo says the same can be said for Chelise. He says she’s also crushing it and that it would be hard to choose between them.

12:10 PM BBT – Makensy is getting ready for the upcoming nomination ceremony.

12:50 PM BBT – Cam, Kimo and Rubina are having lunch while Chelsie does her hair. Makensy is in the diary room.

1:05 PM BBT – Everyone is just chit-chatting waiting on the nomination ceremony. Kimo is explaining his coffee addiction. Rubina and Cam are a bit concerned for Kimo.

1:33 PM BBT – Feeds cut to adoptable animals. Could be time for the nomination ceremony.

So Rubina tried to plant some seeds to Makensy that Chelise was pushing for Makensy to go in the double eviction, but that didn’t seem to work on Makensy. Chelsie, meanwhile, was pushing for Kimo and Rubina to go up, with Kimo as the target. Cam and Kimo did nothing and relied on their women counterparts to do all the work for them.  At this point, Makensy can’t go wrong with who she targets, since both of the duos left would not pick Makensy over their duo partners.

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