‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results – Week 2

Veto Medallion box on Big Brother - CBS

Your Big Brother spoilers are here for the latest Veto Ceremony with the PoV holder making his decision and leading the HOH to set the final noms for the week. Of course nothing is final just yet with the AI Arena waiting for these three nominations come Thursday night.

Kenney ended up on the Block again this week on BB26 but he wasn’t messing around with his downtrodden emotions of homesickness anymore. This time around he played hard for the Veto and was determined to make it another week. Now he’s made that official.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 2

  • Kenney used the Veto on himself
  • Chelsie named Tucker as the renom
  • Angela, Lisa, and Tucker are this week’s final noms

Tucker is there as a pawn after he volunteered (SMH) and should be safe though he did try to backtrack that self-sacrifice earlier this morning. The real question is who goes home between Angela or Lisa. There’s a lot of mixed preferences on this vote for Houseguests and I think this could go either way though I’m leaning toward Lisa as still more likely to go with Angela staying at this point.

Chelsie wants Lisa out. Tucker desperately wants Lisa out. Several HGs, like Joseph, feel Angela should be the one to go though so it’s not cut and dry just yet. If Angela does what Angela does then she could shoot herself in the foot and find herself outside talking with Julie on Thursday. Either way, we are going to lose a Houseguest who is a lot more than just a wallflower for Big Brother 26 and that’s always a bummer.

Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted from BB26? Vote now in our poll below.

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