You know that feeling when you make a bold, rash decision and then wake up the next morning with regrets? Meet Tucker Des Lauriers! He’s living that dream right now on Big Brother 26 and it’s all thanks to his offering to Chelsie that she could put him up as a renom pawn at today’s upcoming Veto meeting.
Ever since Kenney won the Veto on Saturday we knew a renom was coming and Chelsie has been dreading it. She struggled with the first round of three nominations and now she has to make a fourth. To be fair, that’s rough even with so many HGs still left in the game. But the decision has to be made as they need a third and the House already seems set on sending out Angela or Lisa. Here comes Tucker the Hero.
Over the weekend Tucker told Chelsie that he didn’t mind being the renom. He admitted to others that he didn’t feel he had done a good job of connecting and talking with Chelsie so he thought this would be an easy way to make up for it and earn some trust with more HGs. Ehhh, sounds like he’s wishing he had thought this through a little more!
Just a bit earlier this morning in the Big Brother House on the Live Feeds we saw Tucker go to see Chelsie upstairs in the HOH room and make a new pitch. Instead of renoming him, how about she renom Makensy. Two-fold here for Tucker: obviously #1 is he avoids the danger zone that he foolishly offered to take and #2, he wants to flush out Makensy’s power. Not bad, not bad.
To add another layer to this Tucker says that in the case of Makensy using her power, which many HGs know exists, he would then at that point be willing to go up as the re-renom in her place. But here’s what we know that they don’t. The renom that follows the potential use of Makensy’s America’s Veto would be decided, you guessed it, America. Makensy knows that, but Tucker doesn’t, or at least he’s playing that he doesn’t.
Chelsie loves to crowdsource these ideas and so she took it to Brooklyn who promptly shot the whole thing down. Sorry, Tucker, looks like you’re still heading to the Block. Makensy and her power would stay safe and we’re marching off to the BBAI Arena on Thursday night.
What do you think of the idea? Honestly it’s not bad, but it’s really more of helpful to others than Chelsie at the moment. Tucker is helped because he dodges the Block and gets to see what’s going on with the power, but for Chelsie it could create an unnecessary enemy. Of course the irony could be Chelsie later on the Block against Makensy who then escapes the Block and leaves Chelsie as a prime target. You know never with Big Brother!