Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Rubina Attempts To Warn Makensy About Chelsie

Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Rubina Warns Makensy About Chelsie
Credit: Screengrab by @BigBroTea

Chelsie has been playing a fairly dominant Big Brother 26 game. She’s barely been in danger since Tucker’s eviction (as he was the only person to nominate her so far). She also made extremely loyal allies with Cam and Makensy. It’s her allegiance with Makensy that has been her biggest game investment. Makensy and Chelsie are the remaining houseguests who have won the most. They have basically been trading off Head of Household reigns.

They could have taken shots at each other, but Makensy has zero interest in going after Chelsie. Chelsie is interested but doesn’t want to be the one that makes this move. She wanted Rubina or Kimo to do it. At one point, Chelise (and Cam apparently) tried to put the idea in Rubina’s head to take a shot at Makensy if Rubina won the double eviction Head of Household.

This push didn’t matter because Chelsie won the Head of Household and wasn’t willing to risk Makensy’s eviction. Today, Makensy (as the new Head of Household again) began having her one-on-one conversations. She plans to nominate Rubina and Kimo, with Kimo being the target.

During her conversation with Rubina, she informed her that Kimo and she were likely the ones going up on the block today. She told her that Kimo is the target, and that there was potential for Makensy to save Rubina with the Veto this week.

She might even have Chelsie use it to save Rubina. Makensy also expressed a lot of doubt about Cam and Chelsie’s relationship. She told Rubina that she wouldn’t have nominated her as a re-nomination if she had won the double eviction Head of Household, she would have nominated Cam.

Rubina told Makensy that she didn’t want to throw people under the bus. However, she wanted to tell her something just so she was aware of it. She told Makensy that Chelsie mentioned the idea of nominating Makensy if Rubina won the double eviction Head of Household.

Rubina also asked Makensy to keep this between them. She agreed to not say anything. Not too long after, Makensy told Chelsie what Rubina said about her pushing the idea of targeting Makensy in the double eviction. Obviously, Chelsie denied everything and spun it like Rubina was actually the one suggesting going after threats. She didn’t say names but implied Makensy and Chelsie.

Makensy immediately believed Chelsie over Rubina. She then wondered if they should take out Rubina this week instead of Kimo because she didn’t like that Rubina was playing a game that she thought meant her twisting things people said.

Chelsie shut down this idea of evicting Rubina before Kimo because she said Kimo is better at competitions and the ones coming up were more in Kimo’s favor because Rubina wasn’t good at mental competitions.

Cam eventually also entered the Head of Household room and Chelsie and Cam continued to paint Kimo as the schemer of the duo, so he needed to go first. Makensy agreed. However, like last week, after the Veto ceremony, she may try to push them to do something differently than what they want and try to get Chelsie and Cam to evict Rubina over Kimo, if neither wins the Veto.

Makensy seems fully committed to trusting Chelsie, even if it costs her the game.



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