Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Big Brother Makes the Houseguests Study Videos

Big Brother 26-Houseguests studying videos

Always remember to expect the unexpected on Big Brother. Sometimes that unexpected stresses you out the night before a major competition and eviction. Either Joseph, Rubina, or Kimo will leave the Big Brother 26 game tonight. One of them is likely to leave one week before the jury starts, which means they feel immense pressure about this eviction.

Not only because it could be the last eviction before the jury starts, and the last eviction involving the AI Arena, but because the target has been shifting all week. It may actually come down to a last-minute decision based on who wins the AI Arena. More stress is the last thing these nominees need. However, Big Brother said that’s exactly what we’re here to add to your lives.

Around 7:18 PM BBT, Big Brother starts to show the houseguests random videos. This ended up being over 30 videos with very random things and subjects. Some of these videos included images of former houseguests, like Lisa from Big Brother 26, and mentions of other former houseguests like Fessy from Big Brother 20.

Big Brother 26-Cam studying videos

The final ten houseguests spent hours watching and trying to memorize all the details from the videos. They all assumed it would be important for the upcoming Head of Household Competition. However, the houseguests also assumed this when Tucker used his AI Instigator power to trick them.

Most Big Brother fans also guessed this was for the upcoming Head of Household Competition. Still, many fans pointed out that in Big Brother 21, the houseguests were also tricked into believing something was a competition but it was a prank. The houseguests may lose it if Big Brother has once again pranked them.

Though this prank is slightly funny, hopefully, Big Brother plans to use these videos for a competition. Otherwise, everyone’s time has been wasted. 

Do you think Big Brother is pranking the houseguests or is it for a competition?



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