Big Brother 26: Nomination Anticipation In Week 4

It is Week 4 of Big Brother 26 and it is the final week that Quinn can use his Deepfake HOH power. With one of his targets winning the Head of Household Competition and guaranteeing their safety, there are still a couple of Big Brother houseguests that could be in danger. Read on to find out if Quinn is planning to use his power and who could be hitting the block on Big Brother this week!

Quinn talked about throwing this week’s HOH competition and using his Deepfake HOH power a lot last week with his allies. He was hoping that none of his targets would win HOH this week, activate his power, and target Angela, Makensy, and Tucker. Then the Week 4 HOH played out and one houseguest went on to be our first repeat HOH of the season.

Of all people, Angela was the one to throw a wrench in Quinn’s plan when she went on to win this week’s HOH competition. Quinn has confirmed with many people, including her, that he is going to be using his power this week. Quinn spoke with Angela late Thursday night and asked her who she was planning to nominate.

Quinn told Angela that he knows that Tucker saved her last week, but he and Tucker have a very public dispute going on right now. He says that he will be putting Tucker on the block, but he would like to get Angela’s input on the other two. She told him that she wanted to think about it and that she would let him know Friday morning who she was considering. He made it sound like he was going to consider her nomination plans because he didn’t want to completely take her power away this week but will he follow through?

The short answer to that question is no, he will not follow through with considering her nominations this week. He has told several allies that he was planning on having this conversation with her just to get information and he already has his three nominations decided on.

This week, Quinn plans to nominate Tucker, Makensy, and Rubina (since he can’t nominate Angela). It is clear that Tucker is the target this week, but if he wins the Veto or the BBAI Arena to save himself again this week, Quinn has two other options on the block. He has chosen Makensy and Rubina as his other two nominations because he knows they are working with Tucker.

The only way for Tucker to keep himself in the house this week is to win either the Veto or BBAI Arena this week. If that should happen, it does seem like some of the HGs would like to see Makensy go this week, but we will have to wait and see how this week plays out to know for sure.

Do you think that these nominations are what’s best for Quinn’s game? Do you think there are any better options this week? Let us know!

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