Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 4: Friday Daytime Highlights

The Big Brother 26 houseguests spent the day in Quinn’s office as he had one-on-ones as the Deepfake HOH. Meanwhile Angela just sat around watching someone prepare to hijack her HOH. Tucker and Quinn also continued to go at it as Tucker thinks Quinn is lying about what his power does.

Tucker has been a bit of a live wire since surviving the eviction last night. Read on to find out who Tucker is having major trust issues with and why which three nominees Quinn decided to make for Angela’s Head of Household week.

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Read the Thursday Night Highlights Report before moving on to the latest events.

Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 9, 2024:

9:30 AM BBT – Houseguests are up early today. BB is already asking for them to lower the awnings in the back yard.

10:05 AM BBT – Quinn is dressed in a suit to do his secret HOH one-on-ones. He says he has to push the button to activate the Deep Fake HOH by noon.

10:12 AM BBT – Quinn is making the have-not room his office for one-on-ones.

10:20 AM BBT – Cedric is up first with Quinn. He tells Cedric Tucker is going up for sure. He says he might also do Makensy and Rubina because he has to be careful for someone who can win and take Tucker off the block. Cedric says or he can go up and try to win the veto. Quinn confirms that he’s not playing in the veto, Angela is. Quinn says people think he’s lying about the rules of the power, but says it’s against BB rules to lie about powers (This is true – you can use production as a strategy).

10:25 AM BBT – Cam is up next. Quinn tells Cam he was not going to use the power but now he is because of how Tucker has been acting. Quinn is annoyed that Tucker is sayin Quinn had final 2 deals with everyone.

10:34 AM BBT – Leah goes to meet with Quinn. He tells her she is safe. Quinn asks Leah if Makensy is coming after him. Leah says she has no idea what Makensy thinks.

10:50 AM BBT – Rubina talks with Quinn and he tells her he is worried about the people who would take Tucker off the block. Rubina says she wouldn’t sacrifice her game to save Tucker.

11:20 AM BBT – Makensy tells Chelsie that if it’s Makensy vs. Tucker this week she feels OK, but if it’s her vs. anyone else she’s really not sure.

11:52 AM BBT – Quinn lets Joseph know that he nominated Tucker, Makensy and Cedric for eviction so they will overwrite whatever Angela chose to do.

11:57 AM BBT – Quinn met with Tucker but we didn’t see it on the feeds. He’s upset because Tucker thinks he’s lying about the power. The passed by each other in the kitchen and Tucker calls Quinn a “lying sack of s*it.”

12:38 PM BBT – Chelsie tells T’Kor that Tucker said he is done with alliances. He doesn’t trust any of them. She wonders if he’ll get closer to Makensy.

1:20 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Joseph that Tucker missed an important part of his Quinn plan this past week – to get the votes to get him out. She says if you want to make a move like that you need to make sure there’s enough support there to make it happen. She says there was never going to be the numbers to get Quinn out.

1:22 PM BBT – Joseph thinks Rubina is out for herself and would even stab Tucker in the back.

2:15 PM BBT – Makensy tells Angela she know who Quinn is nominating. She says she’s fine with it and that she works well under pressure just like Tucker.

2:17 PM BBT – Tucker tells Kimo that he thinks Rubina is the kind of player to play both sides. He says he has some distrust with her now.

3:55 PM BBT – Cedric asks Quinn if he wins the veto would Quinn want him to keep noms the same (with Cedric on the block). Quinn says only if he feels comfortable doing that.

4:10 PM BBT – Quinn tells T’Kor that he’s playing such a messy game and that she’s better at Big Brother than he is.

4:30 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the nomination ceremony.

So Quinn was obviously going for Tucker. And after he learned Makensy wanted him out, she was a pretty easy choice for him also. But Cedric offering to go up is a bit out there. What is it with this cast and everyone wanting to go up on the block? Go be a hero somewhere else! Big Brother is way too risky when it comes to those kinds of heroics.

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