It was a fairly calm night inside the Big Brother 26 house after the Nomination Ceremony on Friday night. The houseguests spent most of the evening discussing Saturday’s Power of Veto Competition. There were some early talks about who the Big Brother houseguests plan to send home on Thursday night depending on who is on the block after the BBAI Arena comp. One houseguest also realized that they could be in trouble if the Veto is used for Week 4 of Big Brother.
Read on to get all the details of the conversations after the Nomination Ceremony took place!
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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ Friday, August 9, 2024:
5:06 PM BBT – Feeds are back from the Nomination Ceremony. Tucker, Makensy, and Cedric’s pictures are still on the Memory Wall.
5:09 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Cedric that he is safe this week. Says if someone comes down, Rubina goes up. Cedric says he’s worried if it comes down to him and Rubina. She tells him that he has The Collective though so he won’t go.
5:11 PM BBT – Joseph tells Cedric if he wins Veto and takes himself down, they just have to hope that Makensy can beat Tucker in the BBAI Arena. Chelsie says that if Tucker wins Veto, Rubina has to go up and out this week. Cedric wonders if Quinn should tell Tucker that he will put Rubina up if he comes off the block to try and stop him from using the Veto. Chelsie says no.
5:20 PM BBT – Rubina tells Brooklyn and Leah that she was worried it was going to be her on the block.
5:25 PM BBT – Angela yells to Quinn in the backyard asking him if she plays in Veto or he does. Everyone thinks that it will be her because theoretically, his power was supposed to be a secret.
5:35 PM BBT – Tucker goes on a rant to Quinn, Kimo, and T’Kor in the kitchen about how he doesn’t understand why Rubina is so mad at him for playing a character in this game. Says he was playing up being mad at Quinn and Rubina didn’t even give him a hug after Noms and ran outside to workout.
5:55 PM BBT – Tucker tells Brooklyn that he really hopes that Rubina isn’t mad at him. She says she isn’t, she just doesn’t want him to put a bigger target on his back. He says it was all for show. Him, Quinn, and Cedric are all playing off it. Brooklyn says that Rubina is just nervous.
6:10 PM BBT – Rubina is complaining to T’Kor about Tucker’s inability to save face. T’Kor tells her that Tucker was upset she didn’t give him a hug after noms. Rubina says she didn’t think he wanted one so she backed off, but she’ll make sure to give him on later.
6:15 PM BBT – Quinn confirms to Joseph and Leah that he has to get picked to play in the Veto, he can play in the next HOH comp, but Angela cannot play in the next HOH comp.
6:17 PM BBT – Rubina goes and gives Tucker a hug and apologizes. She says that she is just looking out.
6:20 PM BBT – Tucker tells Rubina that if he gets HGs choice, he is picking Quinn to play. Says he is going to give the people what they want.
6:30 PM BBT – Tucker made nachos for the house, all the HGs are outside eating together.
7:10 PM BBT – Makensy tells Quinn and Joseph that she has only ever targeted one person. Quinn says he wishes he could have put her (Angela) on the block this week. Makensy says that it’s okay, they will get it done next week.
7:15 PM BBT – Angela gives Kimo, Rubina, and Tucker some of her alcohol.
7:35 PM BBT – Quinn, Cedric, and Joseph are talking about how Cedric should play up the “I can’t believe he nominated me after I kept him safe last week” narrative. They agree that they need to get Tucker out by Week 6.
7:45 PM BBT – T’Kor and Chelsie discuss who is Team Tucker in the house. They know Makensy, Rubina, and Kimo for sure, but don’t think that Kimo will use the Veto on Tucker if he played and won. Chelsie mentions that Makensy makes her nervous because she’s not working with any of the girls.
7:50 PM BBT – They talk about what Rubina might do if Tucker wasn’t in the game. Chelsie thinks that Rubina would work with her and Brooklyn for sure. Chelsie says that they have to get Makensy out within the next two weeks because she doesn’t think she can stay in Jury with her.
7:58 PM BBT – Makensy tells Kimo that Quinn told her that he wants Tucker and Cedric to battle it out and that Makensy was just put up because she is a good competitor. Says that Quinn told her she is not a target.
8:20 PM BBT – Leah tells T’Kor that she doesn’t have anything against Tucker, she thinks he is a great guy but she doesn’t understand the game him and Rubina are playing together. She feels like they would be playing very different games if the other wasn’t there.
8:25 PM BBT – Makensy tells Rubina that she is worried if Tucker wins Veto and then Cedric wins BBAI Arena and it’s her against anyone else in the house. She thinks she goes if she is up against anyone else.
8:35 PM BBT – Rubina and Makensy are talking about how important perception is in the game but also how annoying it is because people assume things that aren’t necessarily true.
8:40 PM BBT – Tucker tells Joseph that if there is a prize in this week’s Veto, he’s going for it because if Angela wins the Veto she will likely use it on him. Even if she doesn’t, he has the BBAI Arena in the bag.
8:45 PM BBT – Leah tells T’Kor that she plans to keep Quinn at arms length, like a keep your enemies close type thing but also thinks that because he has a crush on her, it could work to her benefit so she’s going to ride it out.
9:05 PM BBT – Joseph tells Cedric that he thinks Angela would use the Veto on Tucker if she wins it. Cedric agrees and says that she already told him she would probably use it if she won.
9:10 PM BBT – Makensy is going over people who could possibly vote for her to stay with Leah if it’s her and Cedric on the block. She says she thinks that T’Kor would vote to keep her along with Leah, Rubina, Brooklyn, Tucker, and Chelsie. She thinks if it’s her against anyone in the house other than Tucker or Cedric that she goes. Leah says she doesn’t know about that.
9:40 PM BBT – Makensy asks Joseph if he thinks she will stay. He says that he thinks she is good with a lot of people and that he would vote to keep her depending on who she’s up there with. Leah is also sitting there so he isn’t offering much in front of her.
10:10 PM BBT – Makensy and Joseph are talking alone now and he tells her that he wishes he could keep her and Tucker around.
10:20 PM BBT – A lot of the houseguests are heading to bed because of the Veto on Saturday.
10:35 PM BBT – Cedric tells Brooklyn that he feels pretty comfortable against Tucker in competitions. Says Tucker isn’t good at everything. Brooklyn agrees and says that Tucker won’t do well if it’s a memory comp.
10:40 PM BBT – Quinn wonders to Cedric and Brooklyn if they should try and get in Tucker’s head before the BBAI Arena. Suggests that they pull him aside before the BBAI Arena and tell him that Rubina will go home if she is sitting next to Makensy on the block. Brooklyn says that she could do that because Tucker trusts her.
11:00 PM BBT – Makensy tells Brooklyn and Chelsie that if she is on the block next to Cedric she thinks she will have the votes to stay. Meanwhile, Joseph is telling Cedric about his doubts about Quinn.
11:20 PM BBT – Chelsie is camtalking about how ridiculous Makensy is for asking for her vote already. She says that Leah, Rubina, Tucker, Makensy, and Joseph are completely unaware of what’s going on in the house.
12:25 AM BBT – T’Kor, Kimo, and Quinn all agree that if it’s Rubina and Cedric on the block on Thursday then they will vote to evict Rubina.
1:00 AM BBT – T’Kor tells Rubina that at some point, they are going to have to vote Tucker out. Rubina hopes that her and Kimo will give her a heads up when the time comes and they both agree to tell her. During this conversation, Rubina had also realized that Quinn could put her on the block because she is close to Tucker. Says she overshared her feelings and relationship with Tucker to Quinn.
1:40 AM BBT – T’Kor and Kimo tells Rubina that Tucker has been spiraling and told Kimo that he wasn’t sure he could trust Rubina.
2:25 AM BBT – T’Kor is attemping to talk to Quinn about working with Tucker, but he tells T’Kor that he doesn’t trust Tucker. He says that if he needs to renom someone it will be Rubina, but says that he would be willing to work with Rubina once Tucker is out.
2:30 AM BBT – T’Kor tells Quinn that long-term, Leah is not good for his game and he agrees.
2:40 AM BBT – T’Kor fills Kimo in on her conversation with Quinn.
2:45 AM BBT – Kimo and T’Kor plan to tell Rubina that she needs to back out of this showmance with Tucker to protect her game. They both agree that they want Makensy out this week and that they would want to protect Chelsie.
3:00 AM BBT – Kimo and T’Kor discuss telling Tucker that Rubina will be the renom if he comes off the block so that he doesn’t use the Veto. They add that if he doesn’t win the BBAI Arena that they will vote him out.
3:10 AM BBT – T’Kor and Kimo head to bed.
Rubina has realized that she could be a replacement nom this week because of her relationship with Tucker. T’Kor and Kimo think they need to have a heart-to-heart with Rubina about her potential showmance and point out all the reasons why it is bad for her game. Will this deter her from pursuing this relationship? Or will the seeds that they planted about Tucker being unsure if he can trust Rubina be enough to keep her distance?
Saturday brings the Veto Competition inside the Big Brother house and at this point, Angela seems to be the only one outside of the nominees who is willing to use it if she wins. Tucker has made it clear that if there are cash prizes involved he plans to go for the prizes and not the Veto, which is probably as stupid as volunteering to go on the block multiple times.
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