Big Brother 26: Deepfake HOH Holds All The Power This Week

Deepfake HOH on Big Brother 26 - CBS

The Deepfake HOH Upgrade twist is in full effect this week of Big Brother 26 as Quinn has finally played his power in its final week of opportunity. Everyone knows it’s him and everyone knew it was coming. He declared it on Thursday night’s dramatic live show! So here’s the latest on what’s happening with it and what’s yet to come.

The Nominations Ceremony on Friday was super fast thanks to everything being “prerecorded” via the hologram which I can’t wait to see playout in live action on Sunday’s Big Brother. Quinn had already told his allies that he’d be nominating Tucker, Makensy, and after initially thinking of Rubina he switched to Cedric who volunteered to be a pawn and compete for the Veto to try and box Tucker in.

Angela had picked out her Noms and was ready but she just didn’t know how it’d work. Turns out there was no opportunity for her to set the overturned Noms, it instead went straight to Quinn’s Deepfake. Apparently he got to give the hologram his script and everything. That should be fun to see happen. Of course it would have been wildly more fun if Quinn had kept his mouth shut and the HGs were stunned by what happened and left with the mystery of who did it. Sigh. The best laid plans.

Proto hologram on Big Brother 26 with Julie Chen
Proto hologram on Big Brother 26 with Julie Chen – CBS

So what happens next? Veto is coming up on Saturday and if something happens with that then the Deepfake role will come into play again. Angela does not get to name the renom. Instead that will go to Quinn’s power too. He’s already said it would be Rubina, since she’s close to Tucker, but anything is possible between now and Monday.

Overall, Angela earned safety when she won HOH, and that’s not so bad. No big staircase speeches for her this week, if she’s smart, oh um yeah then maybe she still will then. This week the control is full in Quinn’s deepfake’d hands and the rest of them are just along for the ride.

We’ll be watching for your Veto spoilers this weekend so be sure to join us on Facebook and Twitter to get all the latest. If you download our Big Brother App we’ll have the results there too and send out notifications when the news breaks.



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