It was a fairly calm Eviction Eve inside the Big Brother 26 house with most of the houseguests looking for a nice quiet night before the madness that is live eviction day. Matt still thinks that he has the votes to stay and some more alliances and F2 formed, but overall the Big Brother houseguests spent the evening preparing for what’s to come. Read on to find out what the Big Brother houseguests talked about on Eviction Eve!
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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ Wednesday, July 24, 2024:
4:45 PM BBT – Brooklyn and Makensy are talking about Angela making a snarky comment about someone’s story being better than other people’s stories. Brooklyn doesn’t understand why she is always making comments like that. Makensy says she can’t believe that Angela actually thinks she has the votes to get Matt out this week if he stays on the block.
5:00 PM BBT – Angela tells Chelsie and Cam that if they win HOH to make sure they bring their friends up to hang out because the room can be very isolating. Meanwhile, Matt is telling Rubina that he has four solid votes and that Kenney and Kimo both told him they would vote to keep him.
5:30 PM BBT – Leah is touching base with Tucker. General conversation. Meanwhile, a group of HGs are sitting up in the game area talking about favorite movies and TV shows.
5:45 PM BBT – Quinn is camtalking. He says that he keeps telling everyone that he wants to win the HOH this week, but he has every intention of throwing it because he doesn’t want to have to make a decision this week. Says the only way he would want to win HOH is to solidify something with Leah, but strategically, it’s not what he wants to do just yet.
5:55 PM BBT – Lisa tells Makensy that she hopes everyone is seeing what Angela is doing. Putting on a happy face and trying to build rapport. Makensy thinks so and has noticed people breathe a little easier whenever they are done talking to her.
6:00 PM BBT – Kenney and Matt are talking at the kitchen table. They agree that they are there for each other and that if they can make it through this week together that they could make it far.
6:40 PM BBT – Lisa and Leah are talking about Tucker. Leah says that she really likes him, but Lisa isn’t so sure about him.
7:00 PM BBT – Lisa is campaigning to Leah about the importance of keeping Matt this week. She explains how messy it could be to try and get rid of him this week. Leah confesses to Lisa that she mentioned to Angela that she felt Lisa was a threat which is why she ended up on the block. She told her this in order to build trust. Lisa thanks her for telling her (all is good between them).
7:10 PM BBT – Lisa tells Leah that she wants to get to the end with her. Leah says that anything that happened before doesn’t matter moving forward, she is committed to working with Lisa.
7:25 PM BBT – Lisa and Leah are naming off people they trust. T’Kor, Quinn, and Cam are among them. Lisa says that Brooklyn and Rubina have to go though. They are worried that Cam won’t commit until after the eviction though.
7:40 PM BBT – Lisa and Leah wrap up their conversation by contemplating whether they should have Cam or Tucker join them, Quinn, and T’Kor. They name their allinace “The Moonshine.”
8:00 PM BBT – The HGs are all eating dinner.
8:05 PM BBT – Kenney is camtalking about how he is going to win the AI Arena Thursday night and stay in the house at least one more week.
8:07 PM BBT – Everyone is getting ready to say Happy Birthday to Lisa’s brother. Angela is the only one not facing the camera and is making faces at Lisa’s speech.
8:10 PM BBT – Lisa goes to the storage room with Makensy. She mentions how Angela didn’t even look at the camera. Cam comes in looking for M&Ms and asks if Lisa is okay. Makensy mentions it’s just Angela and more of her targeted rudeness.
8:15 PM BBT – Chelsie is now camtalking. Says that Lisa is a lot and she just needed to vent for a minute. She adds that she isn’t trying to win HOH Thursday night, so when she doesn’t win, it’s not because she sucks at competitions.
8:45 PM BBT – Lisa has pulled T’Kor and Quinn aside to talk. She’s proposing an alliance to the two of them and tells them that she has one more person involved, and a fifth that she still has to talk to.
8:50 PM BBT – Lisa tells them that the other person involved for sure is Leah, they both tell Lisa they love Leah. Lisa says that there is a potential fifth person, but she has to wait and talk to them. Quinn says that when they decide to solidify, he wants them all in the same room so they can agree on a name and celebrate.
8:55 PM BBT – Angela walks up to the HOH room and sees Quinn, T’Kor and Lisa talking together. She smiles at them and then goes into her room.
9:00 PM BBT – Quinn surprises Lisa by telling her that if Matt is on the block, the majority of the house is going to vote him out. T’Kor also mentioned that she is worried if Matt doesn’t go this week, nominating him again is going to be difficult.
9:15 PM BBT – Tucker and Rubina are touching base. Tucker asks how Rubina is doing, she says she is okay but she doesn’t know who she can trust.
10:00 PM BBT – Leah is telling Brooklyn and Rubina that she honestly isn’t sure where her vote is going because she likes all of them and feels they all deserve to be there.
10:05 PM BBT – Rubina, Brooklyn, Lisa, and Quinn are talking about the possible outcomes of Thursday’s eviction and how everyone is feeling. They all agree that they don’t want to see Kimo go.
10:20 PM BBT – Lisa mentioning to Rubina and Brooklyn that she wasn’t sure if getting Matt out this week was a good idea has Rubina spiraling a little bit. Brooklyn is talking her off the ledge telling her that she literally just checked in with everyone and they are voting Matt out if he is on the block Thursday night. Rubina mentions that Makensy is not going to be happy when Matt goes.
10:25 PM BBT – Brooklyn, Rubina, and Lisa are all speculating if a power will be used during Thursday’s live eviction.
11:00 PM BBT – Matt is talking to Brooklyn, Rubina, and Lisa. He tells them that he doesn’t think that people believe they need to use a power on him to save him this week. He says he thinks that the power is the ability to take someone off the block, but he doesn’t know who has it.
11:30 PM BBT – Kimo tells Matt that if he comes off the block, he isn’t sure who he is voting for.
12:35 AM BBT – Kimo tells T’Kor that he feels like he has to win the AI Arena or he might go home. T’Kor assures him that Matt thinks he has more support than he does and tells him not to let Matt get into his head.
12:45 AM BBT – They are talking about Matt. T’kor says that she doesn’t hate anyone in the house but she feels uncomfortable when she is in a room with Matt and Makensy. Kimo says that he felt cornered with them also and thanks T’Kor for being with him when they approached him. Kimo adds that Rubina and Brooklyn feel the same way about Matt and Makensy.
1:10 AM BBT – T’Kor tells Kimo that she doesn’t think that Lisa has the power and that people are allowing their thoughts of her to cloud their judgement. Kimo mentions that if Lisa had a power, she probably wouldn’t have fought so hard for the Veto.
1:20 AM BBT – T’Kor and Kimo jokingly ask each other if they just make a F2 now. They start thinking of possible names.
Matt seems to finally feel a little nervous about what could happen with the votes on Thursday night, but he still seems to think he has more support than he does. Kimo is probably in the safest position right now with Kenney and Matt being the talk of the house depending on how the AI Arena comp plays out before the vote. Lisa is still a little nervous about evicting Matt this week, but she won’t likely gain enough support to keep him. We will have to wait and see!
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