The Big Brother 26 houseguests continued to run voting scenarios Tuesday morning and afternoon as no one knows exactly what’s going to go down on Thursday night. And Matt continues to think that he has the votes to stay if he isn’t the AI Arena winner. From all the conversations had in the house today, that does not seem to be the case. Meanwhile, Kenny continues to flipflop on how bad he wants to be there.
On the Angela front, she has yet to figure out how to make things right after spending much of the past week tanking her game. She does know that in order to do that, Matt has to be the one to go this week.
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Read the Tuesday night Highlights Report before moving on to the latest events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ Wednesday, July 24, 2024:
9:28 AM BBT – A number of houseguests are up before the actual wake-up call, hanging out in the kitchen chatting and having breakfast.
9:30 AM BBT – Houseguests are getting their wake-up call.ย
9:55 AM BBT – Angela still in the HOH room says to herself that she doesn’t know what to do. She says she does not know how to fix her game at this point. She goes downstairs to join the others.
10:17 AM BBT – Lisa tells Matt that Angela told her if Matt won POV he was going to take Kenny off the block. but then after Matt and Lisa talked, Matt told Angela that he was going to take Lisa off the block. Matt says he was never going to use the veto had he won. Lisa says that made Angela think they that Matt and Lisa had an alliance. Matt said but he never said any of that to Angela.
10:35 AM BBT – Lisa tells Matt that she is so annoyed that her emotions are being used against her by Angela. She says she doesn’t want her feelings weaponized in this game. Matt says that’s how he feels also.
12:00 PM BBT – Brooklyn tells Quinn that she feels bad that Matt thinks he has the votes to stay this week. She says if it ends up being Kenny and Kimo on the block, she will keep Kimo. Quinn says he agrees with that. Quinn says that Kenny asked for his vote, but only against Kimo and not Matt.
1:30 PM BBT – ย Matt and Joseph are having a talk. Matt says he thought he and Joseph were going to team up and have fun working together but then Joseph chose Angela’s side. Joseph says Angela was the HOH so he kind of had to make sure he didn’t do anything to make himself a target. Kenny says Angela doesn’t have power any longer. Joseph says he plans to listen to everyone’s pitch. Kenny tells Joseph he won’t be pitching because everyone knows where he stands.
2:20 PM BBT – Kenny tells Quinn that he really hopes there’s not a secret plan blindside Matt this week. He says that Matt really wants to be there and it would be an absolute travesty if he goes home week one. Quinn doesn’t have much to say to that.
2:24 PM BBT – Cedric and Leah put on matching clothes and bonnets and jokingly reveal to the other houseguests that they’re this season’s twin twist.
2:27 PM BBT – Quinn telling Matt about Angela regretting winning the first Head of Household competition and saying that now her game is over. Quinn says to Matt that he’s going to be crying Thursday because Kimo is gone, not because Matt is staying. Matt says he understands that. Matt says Kimo is a great guy so he gets it and then says he’s not sure where Quinn will actually want to vote but he hopes Quinn lets him know.
2:32 PM BBT – Quinn tells Matt that he is certain Matt will win that AI Arena competition. Quinn says it feels like people are waiting until the competition results to figure out exactly what they’re going to do with the vote. Matt says that is scary but it makes sense.
2:33 PM BBT – Matt says that he wants to stay and if he does it will show that people are not here to play the game the way Angela has been playing. He says he will make sure he wins HOH to get Angela out of the house so people won’t be a victim of Angela.
2:34 PM BBT – Angela talking to the camera. She says she wants Kenny to win the AI Arena competition so that Matt goes home. She says she wants to stick around and win another HOH. She says she would handle the next better than this one.
2:45 PM BBT – Tucker is cooking taco meat.
2:48 PM BBT – Leah telling a story about the time she got a $750 tip from a couple. She says that is the biggest tip she ever made and it came at a time when she was struggling and really needed it. She says she can’t wait for her business to take off so she can make someone’s day like that.
3:08 PM BBT – Houseguests are having tacos, prepared by Tucker. Cedric learns that Tucker puts Mac and cheese on his tacos instead of cheese.
3:30 PM BBT – Everyone hanging out in the kitchen, eating and chit-chatting.
So it looks like if Kimo or Kenny win the AI Arena competition Thursday night, Matt will be headed out the door in a possible blindside, considering he is in a large alliance and few of them actually plan on keeping him. And Kenny is only campaigning to stay if he’s up against Kimo on the block Thursday night. So it sounds like he’d rather Matt to stay over himself at this point.
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