Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 9: Sunday Highlights

T'kor and Houseguests on BB26 - CBS
T’kor and Houseguests on BB26 – CBS

Gametalk picked up in the Big Brother backyard on Sunday and we learned a lot more about what the Houseguests are planning for Monday’s Veto meeting in JANKIE’s World. After I started to suspect the Veto would go back in its box for the first week this season it turns out we are likely to see some action with the medallion after all.

With two Vetoes at play there were more talks between the holders to come to a plan and decision on just what they should do and who might be the new target this week on Big Brother 26. Read on for all the latest.

Before you read through Sunday’s events you can read about Saturday’s highlights.

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Sunday, September 15, 2024:

10:20 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call. Followed soon after with another JANKIE Dance Party announcement.

11:00 AM BBT – HGs having pizza for breakfast.

12:00 PM BBT – HGs lounging around the yard.

12:50 PM BBT – Leah talks with Makensy that she’s planning her one on ones today (to discuss Veto plans for Monday).

1:00 PM BBT – T’kor and Makensy discuss the living situation. T’kor isn’t having it, but Makensy is accepting it that they have to live with it for a few more days.

2:40 PM BBT – Leah meeting with Kimo. She says she doesn’t know what will happen at the Veto meeting. Leah is trying to get info from Kimo about who turned on Quinn last week and why they did it. Kimo says if she’ll save him then he’d rally to protect her next week.

2:50 PM BBT – Leah encourages Kimo to talk with Angela since she’s got the other Veto.

3:05 PM BBT – Leah mentions again that she will have to play a game to enable her JANKIE Veto. Angela and Makensy think it’ll have to be something short and quick.

3:55 PM BBT – Leah and Angela comment on how they like everyone being together in one space to

5:15 PM BBT – Angela meeting with Kimo. He says he had a good talk with Leah and he promises to keep Angela safe while he can. Angela says she has set her mind on what to do on Monday. She wants him to know that so he doesn’t keep worrying overnight.

6:00 PM BBT – Leah and Cam talking. He is suspicious this week is a set up and there will be a Double on Thursday with both Noms being sent to Jury. Leah explains how she sees the game right now: Cam with Chelsie and Makensy, then Rubina, T’kor, & Kimo together, leaving her on the outside. She asks if she’s wrong to trust Makensy and Chelsie but Cam assures her it’s okay. Leah tells Cam she trusts him the most in the house.

6:10 PM BBT – Angela promises loyalty to Makensy, saying she’ll never put her up or vote her out. Makensy offers the same in return.

6:20 PM BBT – Leah asks Cam who he’d vote out if Noms don’t change. Cam thinks Kimo should go because of how he was able to sway HGs with his speeches. Cam thinks if T’kor goes up then she’ll stay against whoever is up there with her.

6:35 PM BBT – Rubina promises Angela she is not her target and has other HGs in mind instead.

6:40 PM BBT – Leah and Angela meeting. Angela says her heart tells her to save Kimo after being against him in several votes. Leah understands. Angela says she already hinted to Kimo that he shouldn’t be worried. She apologizes to Leah that she’ll have to renom someone. Leah says if Kimo is coming down and she still wants to break up that trio then she needs to put up T’kor. Leah worries though that this will give T’kor a reason to win next week and come after her. Angela says her and Makensy will help protect Leah.

6:45 PM BBT – Angela wants to win HOH so she can nominate Chelsie and then tell her she’s just a pawn and to trust her.

7:00 PM BBT – Leah suggests to Angela that she have as many game talks tonight as she can because once that Veto meeting is over then Angela’s power is gone for the week.

7:35 PM BBT – Kimo gives T’kor a heads up that Angela may be using the Veto. T’kor doesn’t think Rubina had a good talk with Leah because of how quiet she was after they met.

8:00 PM BBT – HGs raising a toast to celebrate Kimo for his birthday.

8:15 PM BBT – Angela meets with Chelsie and says she thinks she has her plan for the Veto. Angela says she’d like to work with Chelsie, Cam, Makensy, and Leah all together. Chelsie says she wants to see both of them in the F5.

8:30 PM BBT – Chelsie claims to Leah that she does not have a F2 or a F3 with anyone. Chelsie shares that she used to think Cam would pick her (C) over Makensy but the past two weeks has made her feel differently about that.

8:50 PM BBT – Chelsie and Leah discuss how likely T’kor could win if she gets to the end. They worry about being on the Block next to her. Chelsie thinks Makensy wants to get T’kor on the Block.

10:00 PM BBT – Leah has let T’kor know she’d be the most likely renom option if Angela uses her Veto. T’kor sat in silence for a long time with Leah.

10:20 PM BBT – Leah tells T’kor that she hasn’t made her decision final yet and to not worry yet.

10:35 PM BBT – Angela and Leah discuss the Veto situation. Leah didn’t want to be the one to first nominate T’kor. She worries T’kor will come after her next week now with motivation.

10:45 PM BBT – Leah and Angela use a makeshift F2 name of Lorraines since both of them have that middle name (seriously?).

11:00 PM BBT – Angela telling Leah only trusts her.

11:30 PM BBT – HGs hanging out together and commiserating over the week they’re having in JANKIE World.

12:30 AM BBT – Leah talks with Angela about preferring shorter, heavier men then finding there were none in the house this year.

1:30 AM BBT – Some of the HGs off to bed on their cots. Kimo and Rubina still up and talking. Rubina says she’s at peace with whatever happens.

2:10 AM BBT – Makensy heading to bed and mentions Angela snores like a lawnmower and they could hear her between the walls even in the house.

3:00 AM BBT Leah is playing with the rubber duckies and putting them around sleeping HGs.

4:00 AM BBT – Chelsie talking with Rubina and T’kor discussing Cam and how his flirting with Makensy is making her feel. Chelsie says she tried to talk with Makensy about it. She thinks Cam knows how all that makes her feel.

4:15 AM BBT – T’kor says Angela has shown that she really does want to be here after all. Despite her wins though, Big Brother is still a social game and T’kor things Angela’s game fails at that.

4:20 AM BBT – Chelsie regrets that Cam is here but Quinn is not because Quinn loved the game but Cam is just flirting his way through the season.

4:30 AM BBT – T’kor doesn’t want a woman to get evicted this week. She feels Leah should break the deal with Cam and renom him if the Veto gets used. T’kor remains hopeful everything will come together for them in the game.

We’ll soon find out but it does look like Angela will save Kimo and then T’kor will go up as the renom. There for a few moments when we saw the wheels starting to get traction I thought we’d see both Vetoes used and then a shift on the target to Chelsie and Makensy going up. But nope.

Leah using her week to take out Rubina is a choice, but I’m not sure it’s the right one. We’ll keep watching though and maybe there will be another turn in the plans before the week is out.

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