Big Brother 26 Countdown Continues – New Season Next Month

Julie Chen on Big Brother

The last time we saw inside the Big Brother house there was a “right jolly old elf” wandering the halls. We are about to swap out Santa for summer fun with the arrival of Big Brother 26 starting on Wednesday, July 17th at 9PM ET/PT for a two-night premiere on CBS. That puts us at just over a month until our summer freedom is washed away and we’re tied to our screens for all the latest news and updates!

Typically the month leading up to a new season is filled with speculation and often fake spoilers but along with that we will get the real deal with house themes, a tour with Julie Chen, hints at the season’s theme and yes, even eventually the reveal of the new cast for BB26.

The BB cast was often revealed a week or so before the season premiered since Houseguests would head through the front door in advance and start taping content for those not-so-live premiere shows. Then with some last minute casting swaps in recent years the cast reveal has moved closer and closer to the premiere. That’s what I’m expecting again this time but I haven’t heard anything either way.

No matter when the reveals drop we will be there to share the news and get everyone ready for Big Brother 26! And no, I’m not expecting another All-Stars season, so that’s skip that conversation, but what do you hope to see for the summer ahead? Any bold twist ideas or themes you’d like to see play out in the Big Brother house? Share ’em below while we wait!

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