Big Brother 25 Finale: We Make Our Predictions

Happy Big Brother 25 Finale Day! Tonight either Jag Bains or Matt Klotz will win BB25. OK, maybe Bowie Jane will. But let’s be real. But before we get to the grand finale to find out, the Big Brother Network writers are going to check our crystal balls and make some predictions.

Who Will Sit In The Final 2 Chairs?

Branden: Matt and Jag. I think they take each other. I thought for a minute that Jag would cut Matt, but he’s gone full circle back to Matt and dropped Bowie Jane like a hot potato from Outback Steakhouse.

Tammie: Jag and Matt, for sure. Regardless of which one of them wins R3 of the Final HOH tonight, they are going to take each other to F2. Jag doesn’t have the heart to cut Matt and Matt is too blindly loyal to Jag.

Matt: A few days ago I would have said Jag and Bowie Jane but then Jag threw away his cakewalk to F2 when he kept Matt over Felicia. Then after more back and forth it seemed Jag had fully shifted to keeping Matt altogether and sending Bowie out the door. She’s going to take it rough, but not poorly. I’m undecided if she’ll vote bitter or not, but she’ll definitely be voting.

Who Will Win Big Brother 25?

Branden: I think it’s Matt. As long as Matt and Jag are in those Final 2 chairs, anyway. If Jag wins Final HOH and cuts Matt, then Jag wins. I think Matt’s social game will push him over the edge. Especially considering the jury house is full of people who thought the competitions were unfairly balanced. Not many of them are going to care how many competitions Jag won.

Tammie: Jag has done a terrible job with Jury Management since Cameron was evicted and became the first BB25 juror. Matt has done the best he could to make sure he had great relationships with everyone as they left the house. While Jag might have the more impressive comp history, I think that his lack of relationships with the jurors will come back and bite him. For me, I think Matt wins if he is sitting next to Jag in F2.

Matt: If Jag had done what he needed to do with cutting Matt then this is a no brainer, but he didn’t yet and I don’t think he will cut Matt tonight either. Jag will either regret it with a close vote or really regret it with a loss. All the same, I’m thinking Jag still pulls off the win here. I love a good upset shocker ending and my desire for that gives me the knee jerk reaction that Matt could win, but I just don’t think he does. It’ll be Jag.

What Will The Vote Count Be?

Branden: If Matt wins, I think he’ll have votes from Cirie, Felicia, America, Cory and Blue. I think Cameron and Bowie vote for Jag. So if it’s Matt, it’s 5-2. If Jag wins against Bowie, it’s 7-0.

Tammie: I think that Matt wins this with a 5-2 vote if everything goes according to my predictions above. Cameron strikes me as someone who values the competition side of the game and with the number of comps that Jag has won, it’s hard not to be impressed by his game. Bowie might be hurt by Jag cutting her going into F2, however, she has said time and time again that she would be okay with coming in third if it meant that Jag and Matt were sitting in the F2 seats. I think that the hurt won’t stop her from voting for Jag. Matt will get the rest of the votes from Cirie, Felicia, Blue, Cory, and America to take home the win.

Matt: I’m going bold on this one. I’ll say 6-1, Jag over Matt. Cirie and Matt were close and I think that’s his one vote. We already saw Jury footage with Cameron being Team Jag, and yes I think they love to headfake us on that sort of content, but Cameron was similarly evicted & returned and also had to win to stay alive. Cameron will identify with Jag’s situation and performance to give him that vote. Cory could want to punish Jag for sending him out but he didn’t seem bitter and by voting for Jag he’ll signal it was a “the right move.” America could follow Cory’s vote or balance it out the other way, but I think she’ll vote based on resume. Felicia kept playing to Jag with all her ratting out, but she is close with Cirie and as I mentioned above Cirie will likely vote Matt. So maybe Felicia follows with Cirie, but based on in-house I’m thinking she goes with Jag. Then there’s Bowie who will be betrayed by Jag tonight (unless Matt tops Jag in R3 tonight). If Bowie leaves at Matt’s hand then obviously she votes for Jag but if it’s by Jag’s decision she’ll have to overcome reasonable bitterness and I think she can.

Who Will The Top 3 America’s Favorite Houseguests Be?

Branden: Cory, Cameron and Cirie.

Tammie: Cameron and Cirie are definitely going to be in the top three. As far as that third spot…I would have to say that Cory or even Felicia have a great shot at rounding out the Top 3.

Matt: Cameron and Cirie for sure will top the list. I think it could be Matt in the running for Top 3, but our readers say Cory gets the Top 3 spot instead which wouldn’t be a surprise either.

Who Will Win America’s Favorite Houseguest?

Branden: Cameron. Based on our polls, Cameron’s got this. But if Twitter has worked overtime like they have been known to do, then Cirie could sneak in and take it.

Tammie: Cameron for sure. Based on all the polls I’ve seen, including ours, Cameron will win this in a landslide.

Matt: Cameron. He’ll run away with it.

What Will Julie Announce About Winter Big Brother?

Branden: I’m going to go with a CBS winners/legends season. Much shorter, hopefully.

Tammie: I do believe that this is going to be some sort of shorter Big Brother season like we have seen in the past with BB Celeb and All-Stars. What we could see by way of HGs is still up in the air for me. I try not to give in to the rumors, but I am leaning towards some sort of mixture of Big Brother, Survivor, and Amazing Race contestants battling it out in the BB house.

Matt: As much as I thought it was for-sure going to be a 3-4 week “legends” season I’m now being swayed by the “universe” comment that makes me think they’ll expand it to other CBS series and do something different than a typical BB style game. I’m not sure I’ll want a weird, non-BB style season so I’m hoping it’s in the layout of a BB Celeb season just with a good mix of former HGs or other CBS series favs.

Be sure to join us back here tonight for the season finale of Big Brother 25 to find out which of our predictions come to fruition.



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