The latest Big Brother results are in on who was voted out last night in the competitive second Double Eviction event of the BB25 season! Now in the final two week stretch of the season we’ll see which Houseguests survive the double elimination to send us to the Final Five stage of the summer season.
First up we’ve got America Lopez facing Blue Kim for four votes in what was nearly a split vote decision but was shifting to a tie-breaker free situation thanks to Felicia’s antics. Not that she saved the about-to-be blindsided Blue, but instead managed to undermine her own position with Cirie and put herself in danger for the second round of votes.
Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s Paramount+ Premium plan in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight. Grab the Free Trial and check out the show then watch the Feeds that follow.
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Big Brother 25 Results – Week 12 Votes:
- Matt votes to evict: Blue
- Bowie Jane votes to evict: Blue
- Cirie votes to evict: Blue
- That’s enough votes.
- Felicia votes to evict: Blue
By a vote of 4-0, Blue Kim has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
One eviction down, one left to go. Tonight’s first evictee will head out the front door to meet with host Julie Chen Moonves while the rest of the HGs are scurrying to the backyard to prepare for the next Head of Household competition and set us up for the second half of the night’s DE.
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 12.5 HOH – “Triple Feature”:
- Round 1: No one gets a point
- Round 2: Everyone but Felicia gets a point
- Round 3: Cirie gets a point
- Round 4: Cirie and Bowie get a point
- Round 5: Matt and Felicia get a point
- Round 6: Matt and Bowie Jane gets a point
- Round 7: Everyone but Cirie gets a point
- Tiebreaker: Bowie Jane is closer without going over
Bowie Jane is the new HOH! Jag should be safe on this one.
A new HOH means new nominations! Who will get sent to the Block? There aren’t many options left but there are still some big targets on the menu. Will this opportunity be taken or wasted? Time to find out with the next round of results.
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 12.5 Nominations:
- Bowie Jane nominates: America & Felicia
These BB25 nominees have one chance to secure an exit from the Block but they won’t be alone. The rest of the house is looking to either lock down their own noms or prevent themselves or an ally from being sent up as a renom. The pressure is on to win the Veto!
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 12.5 Power of Veto:
- Veto winner is Matt
Use it or lose it, here comes the Veto meeting. Will the medallion holder choose to change up the noms or keep things just as they are?
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 12.5 Veto Ceremony:
- Matt decides to NOT use the Veto
- Final Noms of the round are: America & Felicia
With the final nominations of the Double Eviction set we’ll see who goes out the door next on Big Brother 25. We’re about to go from the Final 6 to the Final 5. Stay tuned for the voting results.
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 12.5 Votes:
- Cirie votes to evict: America
- Jag votes to evict: America
- That’s enough votes
- Matt votes to evict: America
By a vote of 3-0, America Lopez has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
That’s it! We’ve got our final five Houseguests at this point. Congratulations to them all on making it this far, but their work isn’t done just yet. It’s time for a new HOH and that’s going to be decided later in the house. The HGs will have a breather and then the Feeds will return when the battle for power is complete. Spoilers await and we’ll keep you posted!
Big Brother 25 Spoilers – Week 13 HOH:
- Spoilers! Find out who won HOH…
After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the latest HOH comp fallout as HGs start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us now! Reminder that we’re closing in on the November 9th finale event. Has your favorite HG stayed in the race for the $750K prize?
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