Big Brother 25: The Best And Worst Moments of Week 4

We still have a lot of Big Brother 25 left, but I think it’s safe to say that Week 4 will be in contention for the best week of the season. From the return of the Pressure Cooker to that eviction night shocker, BB25 really delivered this week.

And as we settle into Week 5, let’s take a look at what moments came out on top, and which ones sunk to the bottom this week.

The Best Moments of Big Brother 25 Week 4

The Pressure Cooker Returns. As we all know by now, this return was 18 years in the making. We begged for it every year, and it just never came. We were even told in an interview with Executive Producer Allison Grodner in 2017 that we’d maybe never see the competition again based on how long it took last time. “Endurance competitions are a staple of Big Brother and we are always looking for new twists to old classics,” she said. “Schedule changes over the years have prevented us from doing a competition that lasts 14 hours like the Pressure Cooker …” But it came back and it did not (totally) disappoint. The houseguests lasted nearly 14 hours, making it the second longest competition in the show’s history. But that original BB6 Pressure Cooker record still holds.

America Votes On The Power. I usually don’t like ridiculous powers, but this one wasn’t as unfair and obnoxious as the others. And it was much more fair by making the four chosen by America compete for the power, instead of just handing it over. And I think America chose well with Matt, Cirie, Cory and Jag. It was nice to see one of the nominees get a shot at winning it.

Julie Shades Bowie Jane. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but before Bowie Jane voted, Julie threw some shade about her avoiding the spotlight, and then cut her off while she was trying to take her turn at the obnoxious shoutouts. Which by the way, will have an unspoken spot on this list every week. I am beyond sick of the shoutouts. They must be stopped.

Eviction Night Power. We almost never get to see those silly powers get used, and we NEVER get to be actually surprised by the usage of one. But this week we got that. Those of us who watch the Live Feeds had no actual idea that the power was really going to be used. We actually thought it definitely wasn’t going to be used. And then after all the votes were made and all the hugs were given, the multiverse kicked in and sent a message that Jag was given the power of invincibility and would not be leaving the house. That was pure entertainment. Seeing the look on HOH Cameron’s face alone was worth it. That was good TV (even if Matt using it on someone other than himself was kind of stupid). And let’s face it, no matter how terrible it is for the HOH, it’s fun for us to see an unpopular player’s HOH end up worthless. Oops.

The Worst Moments of Big Brother 25 Week 4

Live Animals In the Pressure Cooker. It’s 2023. And this isn’t Fear Factor. Isn’t someone on the production team more creative than that? Not only did the live snakes not add any kind of pressure, it was just wrong to confine them in a container for more than 14 hours (because you know they were there before and after the comp). And I can’t stand flies, but to trap them in a box for several hours and allow them to all die before unleashing them, just pointless.

Jared Spills The Secret. Jared thought he was being sly telling Blue that maybe Felicia is his mom. First of all, why tell her anything? You’ve known her four weeks and even have a girlfriend back home. So why even think about trusting her with a secret that huge. And secondly, Blue figured out it was Cirie over Felicia anyway. Not only do they look just alike, but Jared has hinted that he’s been around this kind of environment before (and everyone knows how many times Cirie played Survivor). Jared is just really, really bad at Big Brother.

Another Unanimous Vote. Apparently this is the first time that all the first four eviction votes have been unanimous. That is beyond lame. We started the season off strong with a split house, and now it’s all unanimous and boring. Someone needs to at least throw a hinky vote in.

It’s always a good Big Brother week when there are more good moments than bad. Here’s to hoping we get more of them in the coming weeks.

What were your top and bottom moments from Big Brother 25 Week 4?






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