Big Brother 25: Nomination Anticipation In Week 5

After an unexpected blindside took place inside the Big Brother 25 house at Thursday night’s live eviction, the next Head of Household competition took place. When the Big Brother live feeds came back up after the West Coast airing on Thursday night, we learned where the power landed and who would be calling the shots. Now that we know who the HOH for Week 5 is, let’s find out which Big Brother houseguests are likely hitting the block at Friday’s Nomination Ceremony!

After Matt used the Power of Invincibility to save Jag from being evicted on Thursday night, it was revealed that everyone in the house would be able to play in the Week 5 HOH competition. I’m sure that Jag staying, the power being used, and Cameron playing in the HOH had nerves running at an all-time high inside the Big Brother house.

Shortly after the feeds came back up, conversations in the house revealed that Jared went on to win this week’s HOH competition. After having conversations with several of his fellow houseguests, his plans for nominations came as no surprise to anyone. His plan this week is to target Cameron and put Red on the block next to him to ensure that at least one of them goes this week.

According to Cirie’s conversation with Matt last night, the plan is for them to tell Cameron that he is a pawn and that Red is the target. They hope that this will keep Cameron calm enough throughout the week. I couldn’t imagine any world where Cameron wouldn’t know that he is the target over Red and where he would fight hard for the Veto this week, but this is what Cirie thinks the plan should be. The plan to nominate Cameron and Red was confirmed in a conversation that Jared had with Matt Thursday night.

We will see how this plays out with the Power of Veto being played on Saturday. The only thing that could throw a wrench in this plan is if Bowie is picked to play and either she, Cameron, or Red wins the Veto. Let us know what you think of this plan for week 5 of Big Brother 25! Do you think that Cameron and Red are the best options for Jared’s game?

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