We have officially entered Week 3 of Big Brother 25 as another houseguest was evicted and a new Head of Household has been crowned. But before we get too far ahead, we need to take a look back at what he loved and didn’t love about BB25 Week 2.
The Best
The Vote Drama. It was fun to watch the houseguests flip and flop on the Reilly/Cameron vote literally all week long. Whether or not they made the right decision in the end, is whatever. But watching them scramble all week, and someone manage to keep it off Hisam’s very astute radar was quite entertaining.
Felicia. She just continues to be a treasure. Not only is she not bad at this game, she’s just plain entertaining. From her grocery orders to Big Brother to her generous heart, I can’t recall being so entertained by a houseguest so early in the game. She’s definitely one of the best casting choices in a very long time, and possibly one of the best ever.
The HOH Competition. While it had some cheesy moments, it was really fun to see the houseguests get out of the house and out of the back yard for a competition. I assumed they traveled to a Paramount backlot, but the set we saw was within walking (or shuttle) distance from the CBS Big Brother studio.
Hisam’s Antics. I love a polarizing BB player and Hisam definitely fits that bill. He’s not for everyone, but I personally find his absurd bluntness entertaining. He’s shaping up to be a reality TV villain, and I kind of love that (and not one of those icky REAL-LIFE villains we saw last season). Hisam is more of a cartoon villain, with no actual malice, so I can support that. BB is boring when there’s no one to root against, right?
Julie’s Big Pressure Cooker Announcement. We’ve waited 18 years to see this competition again. And we were actually told by Allison Grodner a few seasons ago we’d probably never see it again. But Julie said it’s back next week! Of course she worried me by saying it’s back with a Scary-verse twist. So hopefully that just means it’ll be just a more scary/horror theme, and they won’t ruin a perfect competition with stupid twists. Let’s all just cross our fingers.
The Worst
BB25 Dictators. I know I JUST praised Hisam and his matter-of-fact antics, but there is an element of dictatorship there that I find annoying. But Hisam isn’t the only one playing the game like that. I’m going to have to go into hiding after I say this, but Cirie is kind of doing the same thing. She’s like a mixture of Paul and Derrick, and I am not enjoying it. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Survivor Cirie. Love BB Cirie a little less. The way she bosses Felicia and Izzy just isn’t my favorite thing this season. One thing about me, is I’ll always tell it like it is regardless of how much I like a player. I blindly follow no one (except Britney Haynes).
The House Divide Fades. There will always be a bit of a split because there’s no going back from how aggressive the house divided week 1, but Hisam making such a huge deal about Reilly dividing the house, and the way Cameron tucked his tail and ran to the other side, is effecting a perfectly beautifully split house. What’s the fun in a lopsided house. We want a perfect divide!
The House Voting Together. This kind of goes along with the last thing, but I hate unanimous votes. How boring. If the season ends up being a “vote with the house” season, it’s going to be so much less enjoyable.
It’s always good when there are more good moments to write about than bad. Some recent seasons (*cough* BB21 *cough* BB22) there were almost no good moments to write about.
What were your favorite moments from Big Brother 25 Week 2?