Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 12: Friday Night Highlights

It was a pretty calm and quiet evening in the Big Brother 25 house as this week’s target is completely convinced they are just a pawn. But with the veto still coming up, houseguests were trying to figure out what could happen in various veto scenarios.

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Catch up on Friday’s Daytime Highlights Report before reading the overnight events.

Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, October 20, 2023:

4:15 PM BBT – Feeds return following the Nomination Ceremony. Jag nominated America and Blue.

4:17 PM  BBT – Jag asks Matt if his nomination speech was mean. Matt says no, it was funny. Jag says America knew he was going to say something silly.

4:18 PM BBT – Jag says if he gets houseguest’s choice or Blue gets it, they pick Matt. He says America can’t pick Matt because Blue will know something is up.

4:22 PM BBT – Cirie tells Felicia being on the block makes no sense unless they want her out.

4:27 PM BBT – Felicia, Matt and Cirie think there will be a double eviction this coming week (they are right).

4:49 PM BBT – Bowie tells Jag that Blue going this week is perfect for them because if Felicia wins HOH next week and puts up Matt and Jag and one of them wins veto, America would go up. And if America wins HOH, the same scenario plays out and Felicia goes up. They control the votes in both those cases, she says.

5:11 PM BBT – Blue is hanging out with Jag and Matt and seems totally fine that she’s on the block. She really thinks she’s just a pawn.

5:25 PM BBT – Everyone is hanging out in two different spots of the house. No one is talking game or anything.

5:33 PM BBT – Matt asks Blue to pick him for houseguest choice. She says for sure. Blue tells Matt she’s not upset that Jag put her up because he told her he was thinking about it and she trusts Jag. She says she wants to be a part of America’s eviction.

5:35 PM BBT – Blue says she had a feeling she was going up and she’s OK with it because she really didn’t want Felicia going up on the block again. Blue says she really needs America out this week.

5:36 PM BBT – Blue says they are so close to Top 5. She says let’s just have a flawless, easy week and send America home. She says it should be an easy week.

5:37 PM BBT – Blue tells Matt that Bowie Jane has been so wishy washy the past couple of days, so she doesn’t know if she sees Bowie in her preferred Top 5.

5:38 PM BBT – Matt and Blue agree that Bowie still doesn’t really have an opinion in the game. Blue says Bowie has never picked a side or anything and that’s annoying.

5:39 PM BBT – Blue says she overheard Bowie apologizing to Cory for telling him she wasn’t going to vote for him to stay. Blue can’t understand why Bowie did that (um, maybe a little something called jury management maybe?).

5:42 PM BBT- Blue says it sucks to be on the block, but this has to be the second easiest week to be on the block (sitting next to America). She says the other easy week was sitting next to Cameron.

5:48 PM BBT – Jag asks America if his speech was mean. She says yes it made her cry. But she’s joking. She says it was funny.

5:49 PM BBT – Jag wonders if they’ll have the slip and slide competition or a spelling comp. He says one of them might be this week. Jag coaching America on words to spell if that’s the comp.

5:25 PM BBT – Everyone is making fun of each other for trying to count things around the house for potential comp questions.

6:03 PM BBT – America tells Bowie she is trying to find her path forward. She says she’s not going to throw away her game just to avenge Cory. She says she can’t play the game based on Cory leaving.

6:04 PM BBT – America says she and Cory knew as soon as they went up together that Cory was the one they were going to send out.

6:18 PM BBT – Blue is so excited that they get to spend Halloween in the BB house. Then she says they’ll all get prize money for making Top 5.

6:26 PM BBT – Jag tells Blue he needs America to go this week. He says an America HOH he’d go up and if he or Matt won veto, Blue would go up. Jag says a Bowie HOH would probably be Cirie and Felicia on the block.

6:28 PM BBT – Blue says America’s gotta go.

7:04 PM BBT – Felicia and Cirie are cooking dinner.

7:15 PM BBT – America telling Jag and Bowie that Felicia asked her and Cory if they were making fun of her. America said they were all making jokes and not making fun of her.

7:23 PM BBT – The whole house is in the HOH room having dinner.

7:47 PM BBT – All the houseguests are still in the HOH room. Everyone is in a food coma.

8:25 PM BBT – Everyone has finally left the HOH room.

8:28 PM BBT – Houseguests claim that they’re going to bed early tonight.

8:30 PM BBT – Felicia apologizes to America for making some kind of joke. America says it was funny and tells her not to worry about it.

8:40 PM BBT – Jag and America whispering that they need to win the Veto.

9:10 PM BBT – Quiet evening as the HGs are lounging. Matt gets a shout out from Mr B for napping on the couch in the HOH room.

9:20 PM BBT – Jag is *still* hoping to see the Slip N Slide competition and thinks it could be this week. Felicia hopes she’s playing if it’s the Word comp. Jag talks with Felicia that America should be locked down for eviction after this Veto comp on Saturday.

10:25 PM BBT – Felicia doesn’t think Jag would put her or Cirie up. Cirie points out there’s no way Jag would be putting up Bowie as the renom. Cirie says Jag is convincing everyone he’s good for them and will do the same when he saves America after Veto.

10:40 PM BBT – After Felicia leaves the room Cirie concludes with a laugh, “She’s going to get both of us evicted.”

11:10 PM BBT – America, Cirie, and Felicia comparing notes on Jag’s moves. They think Bowie was kept off the Block to keep her feeling comfortable with Jag. America wisely says they should wait until after Veto is settled before they start talking more on what to do next.

11:30 PM BBT – Jag is wandering around the house and feeling lonely.

11:35 PM BBT – America tells Felicia and Cirie that she had talked with Blue before the Veto and Blue ratted her out to Jag which caused their renoms.

11:50 PM BBT – HGs seeing it’s almost midnight and start heading to bed. Lights are soon out.

The plans seem to be holding for now but the Veto will decide which way Jag wants to take the week. If Blue gets the Veto then she’s throwing a wrench in the plans again. Everyone is on edge waiting to see what happens on Saturday afternoon.

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