Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Cory And Cameron Try To Get Bowie To Target Each Other

Big Brother 25-Cameron and Cory

Bowie is the new Head of Household. Bowie’s game, for the most part, has been to go with the house and lay low. However, she’s been gaming a little harder since Red’s eviction. She’s now aligned closely with Jag and Matt. Those three have been a secret trio for a while in the game. Cameron, America, and Cory also believe that they can influence her because of their game relationship.

Bowie wants to target Felicia and Cirie this week. She hasn’t quite forgiven them for the week of Red’s eviction and her blindside. The houseguests have also told Bowie how Cirie and Felicia talk badly about her when she’s not around. Initially, Bowie wanted to evict Cirie this week because she’s well-liked in the game. 

However, the houseguests have repeatedly mentioned that they don’t see Cirie as a competitive threat. Therefore, if they go the route of Felicia and Cirie, they would prefer Felicia to go because she has won a Head of Household and came close to winning again this week. 

But, Cory and Cameron both have different ideas on who should really be the target this week. Cory wants to go after Blue or Cameron. Cameron wants to go after Cory. They both have pitched this idea to Bowie. Cory flat-out stated his intentions. Cameron tried to be a little more sly about it with Bowie. However, he pitched it hardcore to Matt. 

Big Brother (10/6/23)-Bowie and Cameron

Cory now knows that Blue tried to get him backdoored because Cameron told him this fact. However, Cory also realizes that Cameron would have done it if not for Jag and Matt’s influence. This is why he wants Cameron or Blue out this week.

Cameron wants Cory for the same reasons he did last week. He knows Cory could win this game if he stays too long. Bowie seems set on nominating Felicia and Cirie. She even already told Cirie that she’s likely a pawn this week. Bowie didn’t completely shut down the idea of backdooring Cameron, Blue, or Cory, but she also didn’t agree to it or seem enthusiastic about the idea.

In Bowie’s perfect world, she would likely keep her nominations the same and let the house decide who to evict between Felicia and Cirie. But, everyone else seems to want a backdoor to happen. Therefore, the Veto competition may be interesting. 

Big Brother (10/6/23)-Bowie and Cory

There is a good chance whoever wins it, tries to use it to get Bowie to nominate either Cory or Cameron.  Bowie may not do either and pick the safer route of nominating Blue if the nominations change. 

Should Bowie listen to either Cory or Cameron and backdoor one of them? Let us know in the comments.



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