Big Brother 25: Nomination Anticipation In Week 10

After Mecole’s eviction on Thursday night’s episode of Big Brother 25, the houseguests went on to compete for the Head of Household position. After seven true or false questions, it came down to a tie between Bowie Jane and Felicia. Luckily for Bowie, Felicia overestimated her tiebreaker answer and Bowie ended up taking the HOH win for Week 10 of Big Brother. This caused some of the Big Brother houseguests to question where Bowie’s head was and others to wonder if they could talk her into targeting a specific person.

Shortly after the feeds came back up from Thursday night’s live episode, Bowie had a conversation with America while playing bumper pool. America tells Bowie that she thinks that next week’s HOH comp will probably be physical, so she isn’t so worried about Cirie and Felicia. She talks about Blue and how she is a bigger social threat because she thinks she is close to everyone right now. During this conversation, Bowie alludes to the fact that she thinks there are a few people in the house that would put her on the block.

Shortly after America’s conversation with Bowie, America, Cory, Matt, and Jag have a chat. They all agreed that either Blue or Cameron have to go this week and they began to brainstorm ways they might be able to convince Bowie to put Cameron on the block. Cory thinks that it would be best for them to go on the block together, just to make sure that one of them goes. However, Jag thinks that backdooring Cameron is the better route.

After Bowie gets her HOH room and the houseguests leave, Bowie talks with Jag. She tells Jag that she is concerned about Cirie and the connections she has in the house. She adds that she noticed Cirie wasn’t happy when Bowie won the Head of Household. At this point in the conversation, Jag tells Bowie that he is going to try and pull Matt in, but after talking to Matt briefly in the HN room, Cory stops them for a chat.

After a conversation with Cory, who is stressing the importance of getting Blue or Cameron out because they are closer than they think, Matt finally makes his way to the HOH to talk to Bowie. Matt tries to talk Bowie out of targeting Cirie this week and attempts to point her toward Cameron, but Bowie doesn’t want to take that shot. Bowie tells Matt that she isn’t going to take that shot.

Friday morning, shortly after the wake-up call, Cameron heads up to the HOH room because Bowie asked him to come up and chat with her in the morning. She asks him what she should do because she wants to make sure that she, Cameron, Matt, and Jag are safe. Cameron tells her that it’s her call, but based on what they have talked about, it might be in her best interest to nominate Cirie and Felicia this week. Adding that if she doesn’t, it might throw up alarm bells to everyone about who she might be working with.

Since Bowie is worried about Cirie’s connections to everyone in the house, it is likely that Cirie is her target this week and Felicia will likely be sitting next to her. However, we could expect a lot of HGs to try to make a push depending on who pulls out the Veto win on Saturday. Make sure you come back later on to get confirmation on this week’s Nomination Ceremony results!

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