Big Brother 25 Season Premiere: First Impressions

Big Brother 25 kicked into gear Wednesday night as 16 new houseguests — and one Survivor alum — moved in to compete for the $750,000 grand prize. And in that hour and a half, there was a lot to take in as we learned what the multiverse twist means (sort of) and got to watch four different competitions. So as we all digest that, let me share with you my first impressions of BB25.

The Cast

Last season, if I’m remembering correctly, I was really impressed with the cast. Of course my impressions changed, as it always does, so the fact that I am not instantly impressed with the Big Brother 25 cast might be a good thing! Because if the track record holds up, maybe my first impressions will change and I’ll end up really liking the cast!

I don’t know what it is, but I’m just really not feeling this group. There are so many casting prototypes that it’s distracting. And maybe it’s that we didn’t get to see a lot of them, but they just didn’t leave me excited.

And I don’t really think casting a Survivor player, alongside her son, is a great idea. I mean there’s a strong family resemblance and the fact that she’s been on several reality shows, and even won two of them (Snake in the Grass and The Traitors), will probably make her an easy target. Sure she’s never played Big Brother, but we all know the BB houseguests will use any excuse to target someone.

The House

I think the Big Brother 25 house might be the best looking house ever. We all usually are pretty hard on the design of the BB house, so it is fun to actually compliment it for a change. I love the comic book design and the upside down room especially.

The Twist

I never like Big Brother twists. I don’t care how creative they are, I just always want plain, basic Big Brother. I know we are never going to get that, but I won’t stop complaining about it! So this year’s twist is the BB Multiverse. There are four difference universes – the Scary-verse, the Comic-verse, the Scramble-verse and the Humili-verse. We aren’t sure exactly how this will all play out, but the current universe they’re in is the Scramble-verse. And the major twist from that is that Survivor legend Cirie Fields was introduced as the 17th houseguest.

It seems like these twists will effect that game pretty drastically, so I’m never going to be happy about that. But at least this is a pretty creative twist. I’m trying to be positive here!

And as we saw, this twist also gave us four nominees, decided by four different competitions and not the Head of Household. The nominations were decided before there was even a HOH competition. I am OK with this part of the twist. And I’m guessing the HOH will get to take two of the nominees down since they won’t have any other powers unless someone uses the veto.

One thing I really didn’t like was that Cory was dragged into the “nether region.” Anytime someone is prevented from getting to settle in with everyone else, it’s just not fair. Cory will most likely become the eviction target simply because he wasn’t there with the other houseguests right away. That’s extremely unfair to him.

Overall Impression

It’s Big Brother, so of course I’m excited. And of course I’m going to complain. That’s half the fun of watching this show every summer (and fall this season). And I know this twist will last a few weeks and then they’ll forget it and introduce something else instead of just giving us plain, basic Big Brother, and we’ll complain even more. And love every minute of it.



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