Big Brother 25: House Tour Video With Julie & Official Photo Gallery

Julie Chen hosts BB25 house tour

We’ve met the Big Brother Houseguests for the new season and now it’s time to meet the Big Brother 25 House too! Host Julie Chen Moonves has teamed up again with ET for their guided video tour of the new design for what’s ahead in this 100-Day season. On top of the usual, get ready for the extraordinary with the Big Brother Multiverse.

“The Big Brother Multiverse is a theme for Season 25,” explains Julie. What does that mean? Well nothing concrete of course because we know how production likes to keep things dynamic to avoid getting painted into a corner when things go sideways. We do have the fan theory that this will lead to a split house and dueling factions with a “Pink vs Blue” divided house to at least start the season.

Update: Keen eyes have spotted the names of the BB Multiverses! Scary-Verse, Comic-Verse, Scramble-Verse, and Humili-Verse. That goes with those four zones of the Big Brother art where Julie said there were clues. Sure enough.

Here are the official CBS photos for the house and this place is gorgeous. You’ll see the rooms are themed somewhat along with those multiverse names. Overall the home is beautiful and I’m impressed, but I usually am. The living room walls are a little dark for us to watch on the Feeds all season, but that’s what we’ve got. I’m hoping the lights behind the zombie-window walls go out at night or that’ll be torture! Click through them all to see for yourself.

click images to see the full-size gallery

Watch the video below with Julie to see all the fun spaces around the Big Brother 25 house!



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