Big Brother 25: Resurrection Prediction Week 8

Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields on Big Brother 25 - CBS

We haven’t had an eviction in two weeks on Big Brother and tonight will mark the first time since Izzy left that another HG will head home from the BB25 house. And while one HG will be leaving the more important event is which one of the two Zombies will be back from the “undead” on Big Brother 25!

Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields were both voted out during last week’s eviction but neither left the game apart from a brief stint at the front of the house with Julie Chen Moonves. Now they’re ready to find out who is returning to the game tonight!

Cameron is in the lead position after beating Jared in the three-round balance beam competition last Friday. It’s his choice on whether or not he wants to face the solo round and at this point Cameron has told other HGs that yes, he wants to be in control of his own fate. Gotta say I agree on this one. I’d hate to look back and think “I could have won that comp!” and would rather try at the risk of losing instead of the alternative.

That leaves Jared most likely waiting on the sidelines to see how this plays out. He mentioned feeling some relief at that and I imagine he’s come to peace with out. Now there’s always the chance that Cameron has been doing a head fake here just like when he was HOH and told everyone he was repeating his last Noms only to surprise everyone at the ceremony. He surprised us one, maybe he’ll do it again, it just seems unlikely.

Cameron Hardin competes on Big Brother - CBS
Cameron Hardin competes on Big Brother – CBS

BB25 Zombie Resurrection:

Cameron has been playing strong and steady pulling out some clutch wins. He’s good under pressure and I think that trend should continue tonight. My prediction is for Cameron to play in the solo round and win his way through to a return to the game. When that happens it’ll be Jared on his way home.

Now here’s a little twist on the twist. On Wednesday we got a split-second Feeds leak of this scene below in the backyard. It was a quick assumption by many, me included, that it was the return of the Kaitlyn-puzzle revival challenge from BB20. Makes sense, right? Well according to Hamsterwatch’s source this is actually not what either Cameron or Jared will be facing tonight. Hmm.

Big Brother Zombie puzzle - CBS
Big Brother Zombie puzzle – CBS

So what would this be if it’s not the Zombie challenge as we’re not hearing? Well notice at the top you see three heads. One is a generic Frankenstein monster then the other two are Jared’s and Cameron’s likeness. That could be set up to tailor to whoever is determined to be returning. Does that make it part of the HOH competition then if not for the Zombies? And the curtains there show the yard is split up for multiple events. Maybe I just guessed the wrong pairing of comps and events.

Whatever happens tonight it’ll be on the live show starting at 9/8c (note the time change for this week’s Thursday episode) and we’ll be back here on the site live reporting as it happens. Be sure to vote in our poll below and share your thoughts on your pick.



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