Big Brother 25 Live Feeds – Cracks Form In The Phalanx 5 Alliance

As soon as the Big Brother live feeds went live we watched as five houseguests formed the first named alliance of the Big Brother 25 season. However, a few hours later, one of the members of Phalanx 5 voiced their concerns about this newly formed group to another Big Brother houseguest. Will these concerns be enough for Phalanx 5 to dissolve just as fast as it formed?

Within seconds of the live feeds going live after the Big Brother 25 premiere, we watched as Kirsten, Rielly, Matt, Luke, and Jared formed what is believed to be the first named alliance of the season and called it Phalanx 5.

Unfortunately for Jared, the comforts of having an alliance didn’t last very long because within just a few hours of this alliance forming, he went to Izzy and told her all about the group and his concerns about the people in it.

The conversation between Jared and Izzy started at 12:34 AM BBT with him telling her who was in the group and that he didn’t trust this alliance. Izzy told him that she wouldn’t trust Kirsten Jared agrees and tells her that he thinks that Kirsten is just grabbing at any opportunity right now and he is worried that if he tells her something, she is going to run and tell someone else. He does say that he feels like Matt and Luke are genuine, but even Luke gives him a weird vibe.

They both continue with some small talk and Izzy tells Jared that she isn’t trying to initiate anything with anyone just yet. They agree that it might be too early to really commit to a group and talk about the importance of being liked, good enough in comps, and waiting to see where things lie. Izzy brings up the Phalanx 5 alliance and says it might not even be a thing come next week.

Do you think Izzy is right about Phalanx 5? Will this turn out to be a dud in the days to come?

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