Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 8: Wednesday Daytime Highlights

It was another day full of conversations and speculations inside the Big Brother 25 house. As Thursday night gets closer, the Big Brother houseguests are trying to figure out where they stand with Cameron and Jared with hopes that whoever stays doesn’t try to target them. The houseguests spent a good amount of time alluding to who they would target if they win HOH tomorrow night and it looks like everyone is on the same page as to who should go prior to jury.

Read on to find out who everyone is alluding to and who might be sitting on the block next to them come Friday’s Nomination Ceremony.

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, September 27, 2023:

9:40 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

9:47 AM BBT – Cameron tells Bowie that she is his person in this house. He adds that they have both been lied to by the same people and he realized that she is always there for him. Jared walks in.

10:06 AM BBT – Blue tells Meme about her conversation with Matt and Jag last night. Says that they will probably pull her aside to talk to her at some point.

10:17 AM BBT – America and Blue talk about how Meme is just starting to play this game now and pulling people for conversations. Blue says that she is telling people that she is still hurt by them (Cirie and Jared). America says that paints a target on Cirie. Blue mentions that Meme says she is worried about Thursday, Blue says she should be because she isn’t close to either of them.

10:36 AM BBT – America and Blue are talking about how there is no eviction other than Cameron/Jared. Blue says she can’t believe that they are slotted for another Double Eviction. They wonder if they would do them back to back and America says that scary week hasn’t been scary.

10:43 AM BBT – Jared tells Cirie that he talked to Cameron last night and Cameron is getting so nervous that he is considering letting Jared play. Jared says that he would rather play or let Cameron play scared. Says they are going to let Cameron see the comp first before he decides.

10:47 AM BBT – Jared asks Cirie what she wants him to leave her (in case he leaves). She says he isn’t leaving anything because he is staying. After Jared leaves the room, she takes one of his photos from his HOH and stashes it in her drawer. Bowie walks in.

10:54 AM BBT – Bowie leaves the room and Cirie camtalks about how she isn’t going to talk to anyone when she leaves BB. Says all anyone ever wants to do is talk. Says she signed up for this, but she clearly had no idea what she was signing up for.

11:00 AM BBT – Felicia and Cirie are talking about possible scenarios for next week. Felicia says that if Jared stays, unfortunately she thinks they will come after them to make sure there aren’t enough fo them to control a vote. They wonder if everyone will get to play in HOH or if Cory won’t play since he was the last HOH.

11:25 AM BBT – Cory tells Jared that whether him or Cameron come back, he wants to have a good relationship with both of them. Adds that for everyone else, has different game plans depending on who comes back.

11:27 AM BBT – Cory tells Jared that if he stays, they need to get into a room and work it out. Cory adds that he isn’t sure that could have happened before this week. Jared says that as much as he hates what went down, he feels like it had to happen in order for people to be able to talk about it.

11:31 AM BBT – Jared tells Cory that it would help him if he came back and won HOH because it would help him solidify some relationships. Cory says that at this point Felicia is making it easy for everyone, especially with her public apology.

11:33 AM BBT – Jared tells Cory that Felicia has been asking him about who his targets are. Cory says that he could always fall back on the fact that you’re just trying to get back in the house.

11:44 AM BBT – Cory and Jared are talking about how they would personally chose who should win if they were in the Jury. America joins the conversation. America says that she thinks for her, the F2’s answers to the questions and their speeches would sway her. She doesn’t think that everyone’s mind is made up going into the final vote. Jared and Cory think that most people’s minds are made up.

11:47 AM BBT – Cory is telling Jared about Jackson Michie from BB21 and how he won the season even though he was misogynistic and degrading to the women in the house. Cory says he could never vote for someone like that regardless of how well they played the game.

11:58 AM BBT – On Camera 3 there was a very quick glimpse of the puzzle competition that will determine if Jared or Cameron return to the game.

12:13 PM BBT – Felicia, Jag, Matt, and Meme are in the bathroom talking about the house dynamic. Jag asks Felicia how she is feeling and she says that at this point, it seems like everyone would be with either one of them staying, but it depends on if they shift back after they know they are staying.

12:17 PM BBT – Blue asks America if she (B) is good with Cory and America nods. Blue says that she wants to talk to him and America says that what’s good about Cory, is you can go right into a conversation with him by talking game.

12:20 PM BBT – Felicia tells Jag that she doesn’t know where Jared or Cirie’s heads are at. Says they had their blow up and they have apologized, but she isn’t sure if they totally trust her and she doesn’t know if she totally trusts them either.

12:25 PM BBT – Felicia tells Jag that right now, Cameron staying is scarier to her than Jared because she doesn’t know what Cameron will do if he stays.

12:31 PM BBT – Felicia points out how this is Week 8 and they have only had five people evicted from the house.

12:40 PM BBT – Meme tells Matt that she feels like she doesn’t really have anyone in the game. She explains that there have been so many alliances formed that she wasn’t a part of and the ones that she was in weren’t solid. She explains how she has been feeling watching all the alliances come together and fall apart.

12:45 PM BBT – Matt tells Meme that he felt like he was being strung along and used. Says that people have been taking adavantage of his loyalty and honesty.

12:51 PM BBT – Matt tells Meme that he really doesn’t like some of the comments that Cory has made lately. Says that Cory joked about how Matt hasn’t been on the block yet, adds that Cory made a comment about Jag being a snake too. Meme tells him that Cory made a comment about how no one has had a reason to target Meme. Meme and Matt agree they don’t like those kinds of comments.

12:55 PM BBT – Meme says that she has heard the comments. Adds that she does think the comments are intentional.

1:01 PM BBT – Matt and Meme talk about how scary it will be if Cameron stays this week because he is so unpredictable. Matt says that if Jared stays, he isn’t sure what’s going to happen. Says that Jared told him he is good, but he’s worried that Jared is just telling people what they want to hear.

1:18 PM BBT – Matt tells Meme that since 7DS was blow up, he hasn’t been in an alliance. Meme says that at this point in the game, there is only so much you can do when it comes to alliances with this few houseguests in the house. Matt mentions the alliance that Felicia brought up and Meme says that was too much.

1:35 PM BBT – Cameron, Jag, and Matt are talking about Meme and her position in the house. Matt doesn’t think that she wants to win. Cameron says that Felicia really wants Meme to go out there and win it for them. They talk about how the only person who can’t win Thursday night’s HOH is Felicia.

1:38 PM BBT – Cameron tells Jag and Matt that he is feeling pretty good with Cory and America. He says at this point, he feels okay with Cirie too.

1:40 PM BBT – Blue tells Bowie that they trust the same people in the house and she would really like to get the four of them to talk (them plus Matt and Jag). Bowie says she would like that too and that’s regardless of whether Jared stays or goes this week.

1:44 PM BBT – Cameron asks Matt if Felicia wins HOH, does he think they have a good enough relationship with her to get her to put Bowie next to Cameron on the block? Matt says he might be able to because he can play up the angle that it would put less blood on her hands.

1:47 PM BBT – Cirie tells Jag that she really wants to win HOH this week. She wants a letter and pictures and says she thinks it will calm her down a little bit too.

1:53 PM BBT – Jag tells Cirie that he has been hearing that people are gunning after Matt and him. Cirie says that’s bad for her and she is not for that.

2:02 PM BBT – Jag and Cirie talk about who they feel good with in the house. She says she feels good with Matt, Blue has been vouching for Jag, and Matt has been vouching for Blue. She says because of that, she feels solid with them. She says that everyone else is telling her that she is good, but she doesn’t fully believe them.

2:06 PM BBT – Jared tells Blue that Cameron is willing to work with them (Blue, Matt, Jag) and Blue says that she trusts that. Jared adds that even if Cameron did target someone on their side, it wouldn’t be Blue. It would likely be Jag or Cory, then Matt, then Cirie before it would ever be Blue.

2:31 PM BBT – Jared says he doesn’t think there will be more doubles which is good. Blue tells him that she does think there will be another one.

2:38 PM BBT – Cory tells Matt that he is surprised that Meme is talking to everyone. Says he thinks that she knows she might be in danger.

2:40 PM BBT – Matt tells Cory that he told Felicia and Meme that his gameplan is to go after whoever comes back with Bowie as a pawn. Cory tells him that he needs to make sure he talks to Bowie then just in case it gets back to her. Matt says he isn’t worried about Meme, but Felicia will definitely go back and tell Bowie.

2:43 PM BBT – Cory tells Matt that he really needs to talk to Felicia and try to push her off of Matt and Jag. Matt says that they might want to push Cameron and Bowie if he stays. Cory says that he is going to tell her that while Matt/Jag are a problem, it’s too soon because one will stay and gun for her.

2:55 PM BBT – Blue is giving Jared reasons to justify his gameplay thus far and points that he could make with people if he stays.

3:00 PM BBT – Blue and Jared are still talking in the scary room. Meanwhile, Meme is telling Matt, Felicia, Cirie, and America about when she got her wisdom teeth taken out.

Looks like most of the house is on board with getting Felicia out this week, however, it does seem that Blue might have other plans if she wins HOH. Meme seems to be the best option as a pawn if Felicia ends up on the block, but what will happen if Felicia throws a wrench in the plan and wins HOH Thursday night? It seems like her plan is to go after Jag and Matt, but Cory could sway her away from that. We will have to wait and see how this week plays out.

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