Another day in the Big Brother 25 house, another day of flip-flopping. Much like last week, a number of houseguests (the same ones, actually) spent much of the afternoon and evening discussing why they should keep Hisam this week over Cameron. And then the spent the rest of the evening going back and forth on the idea. It seems they’re leaning more toward sticking to the Hisam eviction plan, but that didn’t stop them from telling Hisam about the possible flip, getting his hopes up.
Read on to find out if the houseguests actually landed on a decision about keeping Hisam. Catch up from Wednesday’s Daytime Highlights report first.
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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights โ Wednesday, August 23, 2023:
3:02 PM BBT – Izzy and Cirie still talking through the plan to flip the vote and keep Hisam. Izzy says Cory is adamant about Hisam going. Cirie says since Cameron is the target next week, why not this week.
3:06 PM BBT – Cirie says Hisam would have to be indebted to them. Izzy says she’s just worried he’d just get all wrapped back up in everything as he did before. Izzy reminds Cirie how much she dislikes Cameron and wants Cameron out.
3:09 PM BBT – Cirie tells Felicia that Cameron told Jared he was coming after Cirie, Felicia and Izzy. Cirie says although they burnt Hisam, he would be forever grateful if they save him. Cirie says he did some stupid stuff, but she believes he was loyal to The Professors. Cirie says Hisam did want they’re all doing.
3:11 PM BBT – Cirie says that Cameron and Red have already been trying to pull Matt in. Cirie asks Felicia how bad would it be if Cameron went home. Felicia says her only reservation is Hisam hasn’t told her that he would be loyal to her and that he wouldn’t even hug her. She says she thinks he would take her out. Izzy and Cirie says that might just be because she can’t vote this week.
3:17 PM BBT – Izzy tells Felicia that Cameron has said he wants Felicia and Cirie out and then Izzy first to go at jury. Izzy says that’s all of them Cameron is targeting.
3:29 PM BBT – Felicia tells Hisam she’s entertaining the idea of Hisam staying and them getting their group back together. Hisam’s demeanor changes instantly and he’s very happy he’s been given some hope.
3:31 PM BBT – Felicia tells Hisam that he goes off the kilter. He says he’s going to be better and they can reel him in anytime. Izzy says if they do this, they are very intentionally not telling some people. Hisam says he won’t say a single word. Felicia says you have to hold them until they get down to the seven. She then laughs and says and don’t target me first at seven.
3:32 PM BBT – Hisam promises them he will do anything. Hisam says he loves feedback, even though it might not really seem like he does. He says he takes feedback ย well.
3:35 PM BBT – Izzy tells Hisam don’t act like he might stay and to not bother them about this until they know this can really happen. They tell him they have to get a few more people to be really on board. Hisam says he won’t change his demeanor and won’t bother them about the decision.
3:38 PM BBT – Izzy says she doesn’t care about the house as a whole. She says she’s been wanting to draw the line. Hisam says he is all in with them, and he promises he will be with them to the very end.
3:40 PM BBT – Hisam leaves the room and Izzy says Hisam only said “right” once. She says that’s his tick when he’s trying to convince someone. Izzy and Cirie agree that they think Hisam was telling the truth.
3:41 PM BBT – Izzy says they need to talk to Jared and Cory as a group and then the three of them with Meme. Felicia says she thinks they can easily get Jared and Meme, but Cory might not be as easy. Izzy says they’d have to have Cory talk to America about the vote. They agree they don’t trust America but they’d need her vote for this to work.
3:57 PM BBT – Izzy talking to Cory about Cameron being the root of all the things going on and mentions that he’s been saying their names. Izzy says they have the opportunity to deal with Cameron now. Izzy says if they saved Hisam, he would be indebted.
3:58 PM BBT – Cory tells Izzy that Felicia changes the topic when he walks in a room. He says he knows she just isn’t sure she can trust him yet but it’s pissing him off.
4:00 PM BBT – Cory says he just fears Hisam won’t be real still. Izzy says she believes him and explains how great Hisam was before he won HOH. She says he changed after he won HOH, but she believes he was never coming for her, Felicia or Cirie.
4:01 PM BBT – Cory tells Izzy that if it was just his call alone, Hisam would go now. Cory says everyone in the house, other than Cameron and Red, will target Cameron and Red next week. He says Hisam will be harder to get out later than Cameron.
4:16 PM BBT – Cory is still not onboard with keeping Hisam. “I think Hisam is a variable I personally cannot control,” Cory says to Izzy.
4:20 PM BBT – Izzy leaves Cory in the HOH room and asks him to think about it. He talks to cameras about this idea. He says he’s actually trying to help Izzy and says she doesn’t see how bad this idea is. He also says this new Final 6 with Meme is useless to him. He says he hates this idea so F-ing much.
4:38 PM BBT – Cirie telling Jag that she just learned how Cameron was causing so many issues. She said she had no idea. She’s dropping hints that maybe Cameron should go this week.
5:12 PM BBT – Jared tells Cory that as long as everyone is on the same page about putting up Cameron and Red next week he doesn’t feel like Hisam needs to stay now this week.
5:13 PM BBT – Cory tells Jared they can make their solid majority without Hisam staying. Cory says if Hisam stays and wins HOH he still won’t feel relieved.
5:14 PM BBT – Cory says this is another situation where Izzy and Cirie are freaking out again and he doesn’t know why.
5:23 PM BBT – Felicia joins Cory and Jared and they’re all talking about how keeping Hisam might not work. Felicia says she still thinks she’ll be Hisam’s target after this week.
5:37 PM BBT – Jag tells Bowie that he isn’t going to give Hisam any false hope about staying. Jag says Hisam is still lying to everyone too.
5:50 PM BBT – Izzy says to the camera that Hisam has got to go. She says she likes considering both options, but now she’s back to Hisam going.
6:02 PM BBT – Cory, Cirie and Izzy agree that Hisam is gone and they will focus on their Final 6 without Hisam. They agree that the next noms will be Cameron and Red.
6:12 PM BBT – Cory asks if they can all promise that Hisam is gone. Cirie and Izzy say yes, he’s gone. Cirie says it was a thought and they thought it through but he’s gone. Cirie says Hisam is downstairs laughing and happy now. Cory says Hisam will be blindsided again. Izzy says no, she might tell him before the vote. Cirie says she’s not getting involved anymore. Izzy says the neither will she.
7:10 PM BBT – Jared tells Cirie, Felicia and Meme they should all sleep on this idea about keeping Hisam and talk about it again in the morning. He says there are some serious pros and cons to both sides.
7:23 PM BBT – Izzy wants to know why Jag, Matt, America and Bowie is hanging out with Cameron so much if they actually want him out. Izzy says it felt like they were all meeting in the bathroom and she interrupted their meeting.
7:38 PM BBT – Jag tells Felicia he’s definitely with their seven. He says all he hears is Red and Cameron want him out. Felicia says it’s almost like that’s staged though. Jag says not at all and he is 100 percent with the seven.
7:45 PM BBT – Jag and Felicia talking about what would happen if Hisam stays. Jag says Hisam seems pretty honest when he says he will be loyal to the voters who keep him. Felicia says maybe for a little while. Jag says yeah, that would be the risk.
8:00 PM BBT – Jag tells Felicia if he gets HOH then he’s putting up Cameron and Red. He promises to watch out for his allies and fight for them.
8:20 PM BBT – Cameron and Red think Hisam knows he’s going home and has accepted it.
8:40 PM BBT – Talks resume over possibly keeping Hisam. Cirie, Izzy, and Mecole debate the option. Mecole is against keeping Hisam. They see they would need America’s vote to keep Hisam. Cirie says they should just let him go.
9:40 PM BBT – Blue and Jared appear to be fooling around under a blanket.
9:50 PM BBT – Cory tells America they’ve sort of defaulted into pairing up and should just go with it.
10:00 PM BBT – Cory thinks Cirie or Izzy will try to recruit the two of them. America says she’d do it and that she only talks game with Cory. They formalize their F2.
10:25 PM BBT – Felicia tells America they want her to join their alliance, but if she flakes out then she’ll be the first to go.
10:35 PM BBT – New alliance of six is formed: America, Cirie, Cory, Felicia, Izzy, and Jared. They’ll be called “For Real, For Real.”
10:40 PM BBT- Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy are trying to sort out their “real” alliance of seven and the “fake” alliance of seven.
10:45 PM BBT – America is excited about the six alliance. Cory says he fought to get them to trust her.
10:50 PM BBT – Cory doesn’t understand why they included Mecole after days of Cirie talking about how she doesn’t trust Mecole. He doesn’t think he has a path to the end with Cirie, Felicia, Jared, and Izzy so he needs to work with America.
10:55 PM BBT – Hisam decides he’ll wear the same shirt out of the house that he wore in. He tells Felicia he loves her but doesn’t care for the others.
11:25 PM BBT – Izzy tells Mecole if Bowie wins HOH then she’ll convince her to target Jag.
12:15 AM BBT – Felicia tells Cory she warned America that if she messes around then she’s out. Cory promises Felicia that America won’t do it. He says America was very excited to be part of their group. Felicia notes that Hisam is lingering, so they’ll do their new alliance meeting tomorrow night instead.
12:50 AM BBT – Cory camtalks that he wants Cameron to stay because he’s good for his game. Blue and Bowie don’t do anything for his game though.
1:00 AM BBT – Cory still camtalking. He thinks his F2 offering to America didn’t go well and she probably thinks he’s lying to her with fake info.
1:15 AM BBT – Matt joined Cory. Cory says he will not throw the HOH comp if it’s physical. Cory says he wants to show he can compete, but doesn’t really want to win this one.
1:30 AM BBT – Lights out. HGs off to sleep.
The wavering on Hisam staying seems to have stopped and settled on his departure. As expected. Hisam should be evicted on Thursday night and we’ll be off to see which of the two dozen mega alliance variations secures power with the upcoming endurance HOH comp. Get ready to watch it on your Feeds!
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