The plan to backdoor Hisam from the Big Brother 25 house has been in motion since the moment the new Head of Household was crowned. And tonight we saw how the plan to get him on the block all played out.
Wednesday’s episode picks up right after the initial nomination ceremony. Felicia nominated Jag and Cameron as pawns. “But lets’ be clear, Hisam is my target,” Felicia says in her Diary Room following the ceremony. “Dude, you did too much too fast.”
And Hisam has absolutely no clue. He even says in a Diary Room session that unlike Reilly, no one is coming for him after his Head of Household reign. But everyone else knows the plan. OK, not everyone. Poor Red was left out in the cold. Felicia worries that Red is too loyal and might not be on board to backdoor Hisam, so they didn’t fill him in on the plan.
Cameron decides his relationship with Red is too strong to let him be blindsided by this along with Hisam. So Cameron tells Red all about it, and Red isn’t happy that his alliance hasn’t let him know about it. Red decides to approach his alliance about it. And Red isn’t too subtle and Felicia knows Red knows. So she has to fill Red in.
Red knows the plan now, but what he still doen’t know is why his alliance kept him in the dark. So he decides to tell Cameron all about The Professors. And Cameron hopes he can take Hisam’s spot after this week.
Showmance segment alert. We get a little moment of whatever is going on with Blue and Jared, but then Cirie lets us know that she’s going to sqaush that. Cirie tells Jared that people are starting to notice he and Blue are getting closer, and the last thing they need to worry about is him being targeted for being in a showmance. Please listen to your mom, Jared. We don’t want to have to endure another BB showmance.
It’s time to pick players for the veto competion. Joining Felica, Jag and Blue in the competiton are Izzy (via Felicia’s houseguest’s choice), Red (via Cameron’s houseguest’s choice) and Cory. So the Hisam backdoor plan has definitely been activated.
For this week’s veto competition, the players have to race across a chicken coop lined with sludge to collet an egg, then carry it back to an egg holder. They have to do this a dozen times. The first person to collect all 12 wins the Power of Veto and a chicken costume. I have a feeling they had this competition ready to go for a time when Felicia would definitely be playing in it, just to watch her try to get through the sludge.
Jag is the first to transfer all 12 eggs and wins the Power of Veto. So the plan to backdoor Hisam is at 90 percent. Jag will use the veto on himself, and open up the seat for Felicia to name Hisam as the replacement.
But is there still hope for Hisam with his alliance? Let’s get to the veto ceremony and find out. Jag does use the veto on himself, and Felicia goes through with the plan, letting the house know that she was going after a king instead of a knight. So, Hisam is put on the block by one of his closest allies and his shocked reaction reflects that.
Will Hisam be evicted Thursday night or will the vote flip on Cameron? Join us here Thursday night to find out during our live recap.