Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 2: Friday Night Highlights

It was nomination day in the Big Brother 25 house, and the power shift is in full swing. The new Head of Household Hisam has set his target, but the big question we are left with today is everyone else going to agree with his target? As of Friday night, it seems like there might be some differing opinions this week.

Read on to find out some potential veto plans and who could be at risk of either of the initial nominees come off the block this week on Big Brother.

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 11, 2023:

3:05 PM BBT – Hisam and Jared are still in the HOH room talking about the competition (sounds like an interesting comp).

3:07 PM BBT – Reilly tells Matt she told Hisam she wishes she could start over with a clean slate. She says he told her that if she stays this week they can maybe work together. She tells Matt “I never thought I’d leave Week 2. How embarrassing.”

3:14 PM BBT – Reilly says Hisam was THE one and only person she did not want to win HOH.

3:16 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the nomination ceremony.

5:06 PM BBT – Feeds return. Hisam nominated Reilly and Cameron. Blue is telling Reilly that even if she doesn’t win veto, there’s no way she’s going home Week 2. Blue says she doesn’t think Felicia and Cirie would go against Reilly.

5:08 PM BBT – Blue says if the veto is used this week, Hisam will probably put up Matt or Cory. Reilly says she doesn’t want Matt to leave. Blue says she doesn’t either. Reilly is upset that Jared didn’t send her to the Nether Region.

5:09 PM BBT – Jared asks Hisam why he switched on targeting Matt. Jared says he’s afraid Reilly will take herself off the block. Hisam says Matt would be the replacement. Jared says then she’s going to be gunning for them. Hisam said she was going to be anyway. He says she chose her side early. He says he wanted to send a message with these nominations. He says if he ignored that she was coming after him it would’ve been a terrible move. He said that he respects her as a player so he didn’t want to backdoor her. He says “we’re playing a game.”

5:11 PM BBT – Hisam tells Jared that Reilly and Cameron knew what was happening, so they weren’t surprised with his nominations.

5:18 PM BBT – Hisam says he does believe that Cameron wants to switch sides. He says he trusts Cameron because he would be foolish to want to stay on the other side. Jared says he trusts Cameron too.

5:19 PM BBT – Hisam says Reilly’s side need to realize that she’s a liability to their group.

5:20 PM BBT – Cirie tells Reilly that she’s not going to leave. Reilly asks who Hisam’s real target is. Cirie says she thinks his target is Cameron. Cirie tells Reilly that Cameron came to them and told them everything about their Handful alliance. Cirie says if Reilly had never said Hisam’s name he wouldn’t be on the block. Cirie says if it’s Reilly and Cameron on the block, he vote is going to evict Cameron. She tells Reilly she promises her that.

5:21 PM BBT – Cirie says Reilly has her vote to stay in the house, but she’ll have to have her own conversation with Felicia.

5:22 PM BBT – Reilly says when she was HOH she never acted like a leader or dictator once. She tells Cirie that they acted as a group.

5:25 PM BBT – Reilly says she wishes Jared had sent her to the Nether Region. She says she begged him. Cirie says that if Jared had sent Reilly, Jared might have ended up on the block. She said that Hisam might have retaliated if Jared had against his wishes. Reilly says Jared was convinced she wasn’t going up. Cirie says she’s sure Jared wanted to save her. Reilly says she knows he wanted to.

5:26 PM BBT – Cirie tells Reilly that she has the votes to stay in the house. Cirie says people don’t trust Cameron because he sold out his alliance at the first crack.

5:29 PM BBT – Reilly says if she wins veto she’s afraid Matt will go up. Cirie says he probably will go up but tells her she needs to just protect herself and win the veto.

5:36 PM BBT – Jared says to Cameron “I was gone for one day, what happened?” Cameron tells Jared Hisam just knows how close Cameron and Reilly are. Jared says he feels like sh*t. Cameron says not to feel bad and that it’s just a part of the game.

5:37 PM BBT – Cameron tells Jared that he knows where he wants to be in this game. Cameron says Hisam has basically saved him from having to use the veto on Reilly, because if he wins then he will use it on himself.

5:39 PM BBT – Jared tells Cameron that before Jag left, he told him he needs to save Reilly. Jared wonders if he created an enemy in Jag today.

5:40 PM BBT – Cameron says he won’t feel so safe if Reilly does win veto. Jared tells Cameron that Hisam will put Matt up in that case.

5:47 PM BBT – Reilly tells Matt that she doesn’t think Jared knew she was going to go up. Reilly tells Matt that if she wins veto that Matt might go up. Matt says Hisam might put Cory up though. Matt says he would use the veto on her if he won.

6:12 PM BBT – Izzy asks Hisam if he will pick Jared if he gets HG’s choice. Hisam says he plans to choose Jared. He says he trusts Jared and he’s a good competitor. Izzy agrees that’s the best choice.

6:26 PM BBT – Red asks Cameron if he’s feeling good about all this. Cameron says as good as he can. He tells Red that he trusts him.

6:28 PM BBT – Blue tells Jared that if she wins veto she’s taking Reilly down. Jared says that will be bad for her with Hisam. Blue asks if Jared wants Reilly out. Jared says he thinks so.

6:29 PM BBT – Blue asks Jared if he thinks Cirie and Felicia will go along with Hisam’s wishes. Jared says he doesn’t know but he thinks he could have a say in what they do.

6:31 PM BBT – Jared asks Blue if he wins veto and saves Reilly can’t Hisam just put him on the block. Blue first says yes, but then says no, Jared would be safe too.

6:59 PM BBT – Cameron tells Hisam that he trusts them. Hisam says there are no shockers here. He says there’s no surprises and the plan is the plan. Hisam says he’s not hiding anything.

7:03 PM BBT – Reilly asks is she Hisam’s target or is Cameron. Jared says he doesn’t think anyone will really know for sure.

7:06 PM BBT – Reilly tells Jared and Blue that Cirie said she 100 percent had her vote. Jared and Reilly agree this week’s vote won’t be unanimous.

7:45 PM BBT – Jared lets Reilly know that Cory would probably be the replacement nom if she comes down if Matt isn’t available (from winning/using the Veto).

8:00 PM BBT – Camera talks with Blue and suggests Reilly is probably the target.

9:00 PM BBT – Feeds were down for a bit. Jag has returned from the Nether.

9:05 PM BBT – Jag says their alliance of eight is over.

10:40 PM BBT – Izzy and Bowie discuss options if Reilly is saved. They’re expecting Cameron, not the renom, will be evicted.

11:10 PM BBT – Blue, Matt, and Reilly are discussing votes and support. Matt expects Cirie and Felicia will want to save Reilly. Blue says it looks like Hisam and Cirie are working together.

11:35 PM BBT – Blue and Jag want to talk with Hisam about recruiting Izzy to join their group.

11:40 PM BBT – Blue and Jag would be worried to save Reilly if they win the Veto. They think it’d be hurting themselves to try and save her at this point.

11:45 PM BBT – Jag and Blue, likely sensing the sinking ship of their surrounding alliances, shake on a Final Two.

12:05 AM BBT – Blue admits to Jag that she already promised Reilly she’d save her if she won Veto.

12:15 AM BBT – Jag thinks Jared would want to save Reilly. He notes that Jared is close with Cirie.

12:35 AM BBT – Jag talks about how Jared chose him (Jag) to be safe despite Jag warning Jared that Reilly was at risk. (Sounds like when Jag went to the Nether he may have been ineligible for nomination.)

12:40 AM BBT – Reilly swaps with Blue and talks with Jag. Reilly isn’t sure if she’s the target or Cameron. They don’t think Bowie can be relied upon for a vote or support.

2:20 AM BBT – America talks with Reilly and Matt and wonders who revealed their alliance to the other group. Reilly thinks it was Cameron.

2:45 AM BBT – Jag joins them outside. He says Hisam knows about their alliance of eight.

3:00 AM BBT – America recommends they avoid lying to Hisam and instead just don’t tell him everything they know.

3:10 AM BBT – The group expects Cory would be the renom and try to decide whether Cory or Cameron would get evicted. They think HGs are starting to like Cory, but not so much with Cameron.

The former alliance of eight is scrambling and last week’s HOH is in the most danger of being evicted. Everything can change though with the Veto and that will be coming up on Saturday. Watch for who gets picked to play and that could really influence a lot as Reilly’s allies are currently afraid to reach out and help her at risk of their own games.

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