Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 1: Thursday Night Highlights

It was the first full day of Big Brother 25 Live Feeds, and the new houseguests didn’t disappoint. From the first Head of Household competition to deals and alliances forming, a lot went down Thursday.

If you missed the daytime feeds report, be sure to catch up on those also, but read on to find out what went down Thursday evening, including the Head of Household’s likely plan (they get to pick two people to remove from the block) and how Cirie and Jared are handling their big secret. But the big topic of conversation was one of the nominees, who seems to be shooting herself in the foot.

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, August 3, 2023:

3:50 PM BBT – Felicia has been talking to Reilly about Kirsten. She says that people are picking up on Kirsten saying and doing too much. Reilly says that she’s been noticing that too and thinks Kirsten is there to stir the pot. Felicia says Kirsten is definitely a pot stirrer.

4:11 PM BBT – Reilly gets the key to her HOH room. All the houseguests go up with her for the big room reveal.

6:30 PM BBT – Izzy tells Hisam that Kirsten is an “chaos agent” and that she does not trust her. Izzy wants Cory and Kirsten to stay on the block. Hisam says had he won HOH those are the two he would have left on the block. Izzy seconds that (this confirms that the HOH will be taking two nominees off the block).

6:33 PM BBT – Izzy asks Hisam if he wants to play together. Hisam says yes. They agree to work together.

6:40 PM BBT – Hisam thinks they’ll leave Felicia and Jared on the block.

6:41 PM BBT – Hisam and Izzy work on pulling in Mecole. They tell her that they think there’s another side of the house  and they are excluding HGs, including the three of them. Izzy asks Mecole if she trusts Kirsten. Mecole says she wouldn’t use the word trust and adds that sometimes Kirsten talks a little more than she should and says in this game that can be dangerous.

6:42 PM BBT – Kirsten says to Reilly that she needs two women in the Final 2 this season. She says the guys always steamroll the girls. Kirsten says that the guys have already grouped up. Reilly says she did not know that.

6:50 PM BBT – Jared tells Hisam and Izzy that Reilly is aware that one of the nominees is doing too much. He won’t say who, but it’s obvious he’s talking about Kirsten.

6:52 PM BBT – Reilly says people need to learn she’s not stupid and not weak. Kirsten asks if she thinks everyone will think Reilly is the leader of the girls.

7:15 PM BBT – Cory tells Hisam if things are happening and alliances are forming, then he isn’t a part of them. He says he’s definitely not being included. He says his odds of going this week are currently at 24 percent. He says there’s no easy call for Reilly to make.

7:16 PM BBT – Hisam tells Cory had he won HOH he would have saved him. Cory says he needs to talk to Reilly soon.

7:22 PM BBT – Cory says that he feels really comfortable around Cirie, but says that’s what she does – she charms people. But he says he still trusts her out of everyone there.

7:30 PM BBT – Reilly tells Jared that she doesn’t like the people who are playing a little too much already (Day 2). Jared asks if she’s talking about “K” (Kirsten). She says yes.

7:31 PM BBT – Jared tells Reilly that he was brought up in the South so he really likes Cirie and Felicia. Reilly says she loves them. Jared tells Reilly that if she protects him then he will protect her. And he says if she has him, then she’ll also have Cirie and Felicia.

7:32 PM BBT – Jared tells Reilly that Day 1 Kirsten tried to start a five-person alliance. He says he’s telling her that so that she knows she can trust him. Reilly says that Kirsten is shooting herself in the foot. She says Kirsten needs to cool her jets.

7:37 PM BBT – Reilly and Jared agree that they love Matt and Luke. Jared said that the two of them can really get Luke on their side. Jared says that Luke, Reilly and himself can start something and pull in some others. Reilly says she wants Jag. Jared says definitely Jag. Jared says that Jag is genuine so working with him is a no-brainer.

7:39 PM BBT – Reilly says she really likes Jag, Jared, Matt and Jag. Jared says they need more women though, and says they need Cirie and Felicia. Jared says that Izzy is glued to Cirie, so they might have to include her also. Reilly keeps saying names and Jared realizes she’s saying too many names. He starts telling her to only focus on people who can keep her safe next week.

7:45 PM BBT – Reilly tells Jared she had a dream that she solidified an eight-person alliance. Jared says it would be like The Cookout, but call it The Reunion “because everyone invited.” Jared throws out the names Matt, Luke and Jag again. And again mentions Felicia and Cirie.

7:50 PM BBT – Reilly says she seems the most distant from Izzy and Luke. She says Luke is being too obvious about being with the boys.

8:11 PM BBT – Izzy tells Cirie that Red is not to be trusted and says to be careful around him.

8:13 PM BBT – Izzy says that Hisam heard that Red was the one getting all the men together. Cirie is shocked to hear that. Izzy says they need to pull in America and Blue.

8:55 PM BBT – HGs gathering in the kitchen and eating. Felicia and Cirie cooked up the first big meal of the season.

9:40 PM BBT – Hisam and Cirie are talking. Cirie would like to bring in Izzy and Bowie.

9:45 PM BBT – Jag and Reilly say they are each other’s #1. They want to work together and see who else to bring on.

9:55 PM BBT – Felicia highlights the women have a numbers advantage right now and questions why women alliances haven’t worked in the past.

10:00 PM BBT – Reilly talking with Izzy. Reilly says she has an idea of what she wants to do with her un-noms. Kirsten is agreed to be a concern and she (K) is Reilly’s target.

10:05 PM BBT – Cirie working on Felicia and Mecole how they need to form a women’s alliance instead of working with Matt.

10:25 PM BBT – HGs are playing charades in the living room.

11:15 PM BBT – Red talking with Cirie. He thinks some of these HGs are going to implode at the rate they’re going already.

11:40 PM BBT – HGs playing Sardines and trying to find each other.

12:15 AM BBT – Cory finally talking with Reilly. He wants to work with her. Reilly suggests she has a target in mind for this week and that it’s not him. During the conversation Cory tells Reilly that his brother played on Survivor.

12:40 AM BBT – Cory promises Reilly that he’ll never nominate her, unless they make it to the end. Reilly says she wants to form an 8-person alliance and include Jared with them.

1:15 AM BBT – Cameron has his turn with Reilly in the HOH room. They’re chatting about the HGs they like, etc.

1:40 AM BBT – Reilly shares with Cameron that Kirsten is her target. Cameron likens Kirsten to a Frenchie type HG.

2:20 AM BBT – Cirie’s turn to chat with Reilly. She congratulates Reilly on winning HOH.

2:45 AM BBT – Reilly tells Cirie she’s thinking of taking Jared off the Block. Cirie says she gets good vibes from Jared.

3:35 AM BBT – Jared and Jag going over the votes and how many HGs will cast a vote (14).

4:30 AM BBT – Kirsten mentions to Mecole that HGs are seemingly standoffish to her.

This group of Houseguests are off to a rapid start with the season and it’s an odd one the way the noms were set before the HOH. Definitely some advantages to that for production and to the HOH, but will Reilly be able to take advantage of the “no blood on my hands” angle she has available to her here? Meanwhile, how long before Jared messes up and exposes his connection to Cirie? He’s playing too-hard-too-fast at the moment but maybe once the excitement slows so will he.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now and get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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