It’s only Day 3 in the Big Brother 25 house, but deals and alliances are being made. It’s nothing like BB24 at this point when we had several alliances, even more Final 2 deals and Paloma spiraling, but this group of 17 have been working at a more respectable pace when it comes to forming alliances.
While most alliances, deals and groups being discussed are still taking shape, it’s starting to look like there could be a pretty evenly divided house, with two people easily dipping their toes into both sides. Those two? Cirie and Jared. Like mother, like son.
Let’s take a look at how this all looks currently. But first, let’s keep in mind that parts have been constantly moving around as Reilly is sort of leading the way as the first HOH and she has mentioned wanting to work with almost everyone. And with Jared doing and saying pretty much the same, a lot of names have been tossed around as a possible eight-person alliance.
So here’s how a potential house split looks:
Reilly, Jag and Blue seem to be a solid core three. Then Matt and Cameron make up a strong five. Jared, Cory and America round out the eight. And since Jared has been constantly dropping Cirie and Felicia’s names to Reilly, they’re being discussed as a plus two. Of course last night, Jared was trying to bring in Luke and really wanted Felicia and Cirie as more solid members, but since Luke hasn’t talked to Reilly, she wasn’t sure about him. And she doesn’t seem to be taking Cirie and Felicia as serious contenders despite how “warm and fuzzy” they both make her feel. But Cirie did have a one-on-one with Reilly where Cirie completely snowed the girl, so we can probably expect Cirie to be brought in closer with this group. But Reilly has said several times she wants to work with just the guys (which is incomprehensible to me), so who really knows.
And on the other side, it looks like we’ve got Cirie, Jared and Felicia working closely with Izzy who is close with Hisam. They are subtly bringing Mecole and Bowie also into the mix. So with only seven at the moment, this group will probably work on bringing Red or Kirsten into the mix if Kirsten survives this week.
Once again, this is all very much pending and it’s early, and this group is more reluctant to jump the gun on things, so expect this to change, especially after Reilly decides who to take off the block and what happens with the Power of Veto.
So that’s the divide. What about deals and agreements? Those are kind of all over the place. The guys, Matt, Luke, Jared, Cameron and Jag, have been talking about a thing. Izzy and Hisam have a thing. Jared and Cirie obviously are a pair and they both want Felicia with them. Felicia and Cirie want to focus on them, Jared, Mecole and Izzy.
There have been other discussions and semi-deals being made, but it’s so early. We will have a more detailed look at alliances and deals next week. What solid alliances do you want to see form?