Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 9: Tuesday Daytime Highlights

It was an overall quiet day inside the Big Brother 25 house with many talks about Felicia attempting to stir the pot in her speech during the Veto Ceremony. Many of the Big Brother houseguests don’t think that what Felicia had to say will impact the game too much, but others believe there is some truth in what she had to say. There have been some brief conversations about whether it would be wiser to keep Felicia or Meme this week and worries about who each would target, but it seems like the houseguests have landed back on the original plan.

Felicia could have sunk her own game while attempting to sink Cory’s game, but it’s interesting to see even Cory considering the idea of keeping her around. He did tell Jag Tuesday afternoon that after thinking about it, there are several reasons why she should still go this week. Read on to find out what those reasons are!

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, October 3, 2023:

9:40 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

9:57 AM BBT – Cory asks Jag if he slept on it (the possibility of keeping Felicia over Meme). Adds that it should probably just be Felicia leaving this week but they will talk about it more later.

10:18 AM BBT – Jag and Bowie are weighing the options of keeping Felicia over Meme. They think that it will be easier to beat Felicia than Meme. They wonder who Meme would take a shot at if she stayed and won HOH. Neither of them know.

10:20 AM BBT – Jag says that if Meme would put up Bowie and Cameron then it would be better for them to get rid of her, but if she would target Cory and America it would be better to keep her.

10:35 AM BBT – Cory and Cirie are reflecting on the drama with Felicia calling him out during her Veto speech.

10:38 AM BBT – Cirie tells Cory that Felicia said she was going to talk to Cory and America today. He says that he is going to tell her that he respects her as a player and more importantly, as a person. Adds that he is going to tell her he plans to vote her out this week for obvious reasons and he wishes her nothing but the best.

10:50 AM BBT – Cirie and Cory are talking about what Felicia said to America about her riding Cory to the end. Cory tells Cirie that really bothered America because it’s something she has been worried about people thinking about her.

11:00 AM BBT – Cory says if he is such a puppetmaster, he would know how to get out of this better. Cirie says that the less reactive he is to this situation, the better for him.

11:05 AM BBT – Cirie is talking about how relieved she is that Felicia will be talking to other people in the house now and leave Cirie to be able to just sit back, relax, and watch it unfold.

11:12 AM BBT – Felicia is talking to Meme about Cirie. Says that everyone will get in a room with her and work with her, but she has to know that if she gets to the end, they aren’t going to give her the votes to win. Says she is going to land where she did on Survivor, in second place.

11:40 AM BBT – Houseguests are relaxing and talking about life after the show. Cory and Cirie are talking about traveling to see Matt compete.

11:44 AM BBT – America is telling Bowie how Felicia wants to talk to her. America says she told her they can talk whenever and Felicia mentioned that she can tell America is irritated.

12:05 PM BBT – Felicia tells Meme that she thinks if there is another unanimous vote this week, she says that whoever ends up leaving, Cirie will throw a vote to.

12:25 PM BBT – Meme and Bowie are talking about everyone overplaying the game. Meme says it would give her anxiety to have to keep up with all these alliances, talks, etc.

12:28 PM BBT – Blue and Matt are checking. Blue asks Matt if he’s heard anyting new. He says no, he’s just trying to keep America and Cory comfortable at this point. They talk about targets for next week. They agree not to put Cirie up and said they want to backdoor Cameron.

12:36 PM BBT – Blue tells Matt that she told Meme she has her vote. Matt tells her that he told Meme the same thing.

12:42 PM BBT – Blue and Matt talk about how they think there is some truth to what Felicia said about Cory. They talk about how Cory always listens into conversations and seems to know a lot about what’s going on round the house.

12:48 PM BBT – Felicia, Meme, and Cirie are talking about how Matt and Blue were sitting in the HOH room for a while waiting for Cameron and Jag to come upstairs.

12:55 PM BBT – Blue, Jag, Matt, and Cameron are chatting in the HOH room and comparing notes about what they have heard in the house since Felicia called Cory out. They notice Felicia coming up to the HOH and Cameron says if she comes in, he’s going to nicely tell her to leave. Felicia walks in and says “I figured it was okay to come in” and Meme and Cirie come in shortly after.

1:09 PM BBT – Cameron had gotten called to the DR and when he got out, he went to tell Cory, America, and Bowie how he was in the HOH talking to Jag, Matt, and Blue when Felicia came up and Cirie and Meme soon followed. Says now everyone is hanging out in the HOH room. Says the three of them are just distrupting conversations.

1:22 PM BBT – Cory asks Cameron if there is any way to pressure Blue into nominating Meme next week if she wins HOH (instead of Cory). Cameron says he doesn’t think so because she is close to Cirie and Meme. Cory just wonders if Blue feels like the whole house would be against her if she didn’t she might feel obligated to. Cameron mentions that Blue might get suspisious if people started pushing that all of a sudden.

1:25 PM BBT – Bowie and Cirie are touching base about Felicia and how she needs to go because she is so volatile.

1:48 PM BBT – Felicia was telling Cirie that she doesn’t know if she should talk to Cory and America or leave it be. Cirie says that it depends on if she thinks she has a chance to stay. Felicia says that she thinks they are conflicted as to who to vote out because they don’t know where they stand with Meme either.

2:30 PM BBT – Back to general conversations in the house. Cory, Meme, Blue, and Felicia are talking about Survivor in the scramble room meanwhile, America is straightening Cameron’s hair in the HOH with Matt, Jag, and Bowie in the room.

2:46 PM BBT – Cory tells Jag that to him, the way that Felicia talked him has crossed the line and he feels that at a certain point, it isn’t helpful to keep her in the house. He adds that he doesn’t fear Meme as a competitor enough to make that call.

2:48 PM BBT – Cory tells Jag that he also doesn’t know how they would sell the idea of keeping Felicia to Cameron.

2:53 PM BBT – Jag is checking in with Cirie quickly. They talk about the vote and how they expect it to go. They both agree that after the Veto Ceremony, it seems like Felicia is going.

3:00 PM BBT – Jag and Cirie talk about all the he said-she said going on around the house. Jag says he doesn’t think that Felicia’s speech had the impact she was hoping for. Cirie agrees.

While it seems that Felicia will be the one evicted Thursday night on Big Brother, this group has been known to flip-flop on the vote. However, after all the things that she had to say about Cory and America throughout the day yesterday, it is highly unlikely that she could rally enough support to stay. We will have to wait and see what Jag, Matt, and Cory decide as the week rolls on, but even if they decide to keep her around, selling this to Cameron will be nearly impossible.

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