It is Nomination Day inside the Big Brother 25 house and things are looking a bit familiar. There was a deal proposed between Cameron and the target for this week on Big Brother. However, it’s not likely that this deal will amount to anything and this week’s target will still see the chopping block.
It will all come down to who wins the Power of Veto on Saturday, but even that opens up a lot of uncertainty between the Big Brother houseguests. There are a lot of questions about who the replacement nom will be if one of the initial nominees should win and take themselves down. Read on to find out what Cameron is telling his fellow houseguests!
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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, September 8, 2023:
8:55 AM BBT – Cirie and Izzy are talking in the Storage Room about what they are going to say to Cameron when they talk to him. Izzy says that she plans to tell him about how Felicia woke them up in a panic yesterday and once she learned that Matt wasn’t voting for Red to stay, she felt like she couldn’t either.
8:57 AM BBT – Cirie and Izzy are going over backdoor options that Cameron might be thinking and who would vote for them over one of the original noms.
9:05 AM BBT – Cameron confirms to Bowie Jane that Jag and Blue are going up and if one of them comes down, America will go up as a replacement. However, he wants Jag or Blue to go this week. Talks turn to how dangerous Felicia is because she pay attention to what she says to people.
9:25 AM BBT – The rest of the HGs are waking up.
9:45 AM BBT – Blue fills America in on her conversation with Cameron the night before.
10:00 AM BBT – Cameron tells Cirie that they are down a number and he’s HOH so they can’t afford to put up a pawn. Confirms that he is looking for a repeat of Week 4.
10:21 AM BBT – Bowie Jane confirms to Felicia that Cameron is putting Blue and Jag up with America as the renom if one of them comes down.
10:25 AM BBT – Cory tells Jared that Jag is just a bad player. Jared mentions that Blue is afraid that Cam will win Veto and Cory says they should push for a Felicia renom. Jared agrees.
10:38 AM BBT – Blue tells Cirie that she spent a lot of time trying to convice Cameron not to put her up, but he wasn’t budging on it.
10:47 AM BBT – Blue tells Cirie that if she wins the Veto and Izzy is the renom option, she would vote to keep Izzy over Jag.
10:50 AM BBT – America is telling Izzy that she thinks it’s going to be Blue and Jag. Izzy is nervous that she will go up in a renom situation. America says that they have the votes to keep her anyways.
10:58 AM BBT – Izzy asks Felicia if she believes Cameron about the noms and Felicia says that she does. Felicia says he can’t afford to do anything else.
11:05 AM BBT – Mecole tells Cirie that she hasn’t talked to Cameron yet, but she is just going to tell him exactly what Red told her in the conversation they had (that he was going to target Cameron).
11:09 AM BBT – Bowie tells Mecole and Cirie that Cameron told her his renom option would be America if Jag or Blue comes down.
11:10 AM BBT – Cameron is meeting with Jag. Jag asks Cameron what he’s thinking and what them moving forward might look like. There is an awkward pause and Jag continues to tell him that he feels like he is at the bottom of whatever is going on in the house. Mentions that he has been voted out 10-0 once already.
11:15 AM BBT – Jag tells Cameron that if he leaves this week, he doesn’t see it changing anything in the house and adds that he doesn’t want this to become a thing where they are taking shots at each other.
11:20 AM BBT – Jag is still doing a lot of campaigning to stay off the block, but Cameron hasn’t said a word to him.
10:25 AM BBT – Cameron responds to Jag with the fact that the conversations that he has had with Jag have all come back to him. Jag says he’s had the same thing happen to him.
11:27 AM BBT – Cameron tells Jag that he knows that Jag leaving won’t benefit them in anyway, but he wants to do it anyway. Cameron then says that if he decides not to put him on the block, even though everyone wants Jag up there, he needs to know with 100% certainty that Cameron will be safe next week and won’t touch the block in any way. Jag tells him, just like everyone wants him (J) up there, everyone wants Cameron up there too.
11:30 AM BBT – Jag agrees to Cameron’s deal. Cameron adds a caveat by saying that if a single piece of this conversation comes back to him, then the deal is off.
11:39 AM BBT – Jared and Cameron are talking about Blue being on the block this week and how tough it’s going to be for her. Cameron asks Jared for his trust and Jared says he has it.
11:45 AM BBT – Cameron tells Jared that he doesn’t trust Jag at all and says that every bit of his conversations with Jag have come back to him. Jared says he’s had the same experience with Jag. Jared adds that he is upset that everyone hung him out to dry last night and let Jag stay in the house.
11:55 AM BBT – Blue tells Jag that their best chance to stay this week is if they can get Cameron to put Felicia up as a renom this week.
11:58 AM BBT – Cory tells Cameron that they have been working parallel to each other, but not really together. Mentions how everyone has been putting them together anyway so they should just name it and make it official. Talks turn to the lack of celebration when Cameron won HOH.
12:00 PM BBT – Cory mentions that he is done throwing comps, the numbers are too small. Says that he is glad he didn’t win though because he would have been pressured to backdoor Cameron. Cory says it wouldn’t have happened and Cameron adds that Cory would have been exposed.
12:03 PM BBT – Cory tells Cameron that there is a large group of people looking to BD Cameron next week.
12:05Â PM BBT – Cory tells Cameron that he really meant what he said that it doesn’t make sense how much they talk versus how much they work together. Cameron says he likes to keep up with the appearances of maybe they are working together and maybe they aren’t.
12:07 PM BBT – Cory tells Cameron how he overestimated Jag as a player. Tells him about his conversation with Jag last night and Cameron says that he told him everything Cory said to him. He adds that he isn’t going to tell Cory what him and Jag talked about so that when Cory comes back to talk to him (Cameron), he’ll know if Jag says anything to Cory.
12:10 PM BBT – Cory and Cameron’s talk turns to America and how she’s always nervous when Cameron is HOH. Cory said he told her that if Cameron doesn’t put her on the block this week, she needs to drop this. Says that Cameron has been HOH twice now and she hasn’t hit the block.
12:13 PM BBT – America’s turn to talk to Cameron and she says she is glad he won so they can talk about all the things she has heard from other people about him throwing her under the bus.
12:17 PM BBT – Cameron reassures America that he is not coming after her.
12:20 PM BBT – America say that it’s funny to see everyone who is usually in bed by 10 staying up until 2 trying to get their lies straight. He says he knows and then adds that she has to reassess her relationships in the house and who she believes.
12:22 PM BBT – Jared says to Blue that the only thing that is messing Jag’s game up is that no one trusts him.
12:25 PM BBT – Cameron tells America that Cirie and Izzy were the ones that came to him with America’s name, not the other way around.
12:38 PM BBT – Cameron tells Mecole that he has no idea what happened between him and Red because he never said his name and he never would have.
12:42 PM BBT – Cameron confirms with Mecole that she is good this week and that the plan for this week is a repeat of Week 4.
12:45 PM BBT – Jared let’s Cirie know that he is playing it off with Cameron that he is mad at the rest of them about the vote. Adds that he isn’t sure if Cameron is sold on Blue completely and that it seemed to him that Cameron was in between Blue and Felicia.
12:47 PM BBT – Izzy apologized to Cameron for not filling him and Bowie in on the vote last night. He apologizes as well, she says she accepts but it’s not necessary.
12:49 PM BBT – Jared promises Cirie that even if she ends up on the block, she is going to stay this week. Meanwhile, Cameron is confirming with Izzy that this will be a repeat of Week 4.
12:55 PM BBT – Jared tells Cirie that Cameron told him that he is the only one he has left in the house and added that they have a little bit of Matt and said they should cultivate that relationship. Tells her that Cameron told him he wanted to tell him everything that was going to happen this week, but he felt that in order to help his relationship with Jared, he had to wait until after the Nomination Ceremony.
1:00 PM BBT – Cory tells Izzy that if America ends up next to Blue, America is gone. He says that he isn’t going to tell her because she will freak out and Izzy says she isn’t going to tell her either.
1:03 PM BBT – Cameron and Bowie confirm that they are playing this game together and that they can trust each other since they were the ones who stayed true to their vote.
1:05 PM BBT – Matt tells Cameron that he’s sorry about yesterday and that he wanted to tell him but they told him he couldn’t. Cameron says he isn’t mad at him, but Matt says he still feels guilty. Cameron reassures Matt that he trusts him and that they are in this together.
1:06 PM BBT – Cameron confirms with Matt that right now, his plan is Jag and Blue.
1:24 PM BBT – Cory and America are comparing notes on their chats with Cameron. Cory tells her that he thinks that America might be the renom and asks who she is throwing under the bus. She tells him that he threw Felicia and Jared at him. Cory says they need to be best friends with Cameron this week.
1:27 PM BBT – Cory tells America that he is nervous about Jag winning Veto. She says that Cameron knows they are lying to him and he is going after them. Cory says that America is easier to put on the block.
1:34 PM BBT – Felicia and Cirie are talking about how Cameron’s HOH this time is different from Week 4. Cirie says it’s because he realizes he doesn’t have the support he thought he had.
2:00 PM BBT – America is telling Blue that she didn’t get any kind of promise that she was good or safe in anyway this week. Blue says that him putting her and Jag up doesn’t make any sense for his game. She doesn’t understand this move. America tells Blue how Cameron told her not to trust everything she says.
2:25 PM BBT – Felicia, Bowie, and Cirie are wondering if this week’s Veto will be the one with prizes. Cirie thinks that since it’s a humili-verse week that there won’t be any prizes.
2:31 PM BBT – Blue is talking to Matt about how she is feeling about nominations and she tells him that she just hopes that if there is a renom situation, that Felicia is the one put up. Matt tells Blue that Felicia pulled Bowie aside for three hours yesterday and they even kicked Jared out of the room so they could talk. He adds that Bowie hasn’t checked in with him at all and Blue thinks that’s weird.
2:35 PM BBT – Blue and Matt wonder who Jared would save if it was Jag and Felicia. Blue says she isn’t sure because he is close to both of them, but Matt thinks he would save Jag because you can’t tell Felicia anything without her telling people.
2:45 PM BBT – Blue tells Jared that Cameron told Matt that America would be a renom option and Jared says he is lying. Blue says that America was freaking out too because Cameron grilled her in their chat. Jared says at this point, they just need to wait and see what happens. Jared says that Cameron is definitely lying to them about America being a nom though because that’s what he is saying to the people he doesn’t trust.
2:52 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Nomination Ceremony!
Even though there was a deal struck between Jag and Cameron during their one-on-one conversation, it is very unlikely that Jag won’t hit the block next to his biggest ally in the house. Blue is nervous about what would happen if Jag wins the Power of Veto this week and who she could be sitting next to. Jared told Blue that he doesn’t believe that America is Cameron’s true renom option and that he is just telling that to people he doesn’t trust. If either Blue or Jag win the Power of Veto, who do you think is the best renom option for Week 6 of Big Brother?
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