Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 2: Friday Daytime Highlights

It was a busy day inside the Big Brother 25 house with the new Head of Household holding one on ones to get some information from the rest of the houseguests. The HOH for week 2 of Big Brother already had an idea of what they were going to do this week, but they wanted to give everyone the chance to give their input. Also, this week’s twist is in full effect with another Big Brother houseguest falling victim to the scary-verse!

If you missed out on all the action inside the Big Brother house, make sure you keep reading to get all the details of what Hisam and the other houseguests had to say about this week’s target!

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 11, 2023:

8:35 AM BBT – Felicia is up and wandering around collecting all the towels and throws them in the washer.

9:10 AM BBT – Felicia is camtalking to BB giving them a shopping list for restock.

9:45 AM BBT – The houseguests have gotten their wakeup call.

9:48 AM BBT – Hisam tells Felicia that his target this week is Reilly and he thinks that Cameron going up next to her is his best move because he would take her down if he wins Veto. He adds that worse case, if Jag, Matt, or Blue wins and uses it on Reilly then they sent Cameron home.

10:02 AM BBT – Reilly tells Jag that Hisam plans to ask everyone what they would do if they were in his situation and how they see him fitting into their game moving forward. Reilly says she doesn’t know what she is going to say because if she were him, she would get her out. Jag says he doesn’t know what to tell him that won’t upset him.

10:38 AM BBT – Jared pops up on the memory wall screen and tells everyone that the demigorgon doesn’t let you sleep in the Nether Region. He adds that he hasn’t been able to sleep in a bed. He says he loves everyone, but he doesn’t know when he will see them again.

10:40 AM BBT – After Jared is off the screen, the houseguests go back to working out and some speculate as to how the Nether Region is going to impact the game.

10:51 AM BBT – Bowie comes out to tell the HGs that the Nominations Today screen is on. Hisam decides to start his one on ones with Cory.

10:55 AM BBT – Cory tells Hisam that he feels good about Jared, Izzy, Cirie, and Mecole. He says that he feels like he owes Reilly for taking him off the block, but he thinks she would go after people he is close with. He also mentions that Cameron makes him nervous, but he doesn’t think that Cam would put him up if he won HOH.

11:00 AM BBT – Cory tells Hisam that he sees a path where him, Hisam, Cirie, Izzy, and Jared working together at some point.

11:05 AM BBT – Cory says that if he wins the Veto and Reilly is on the block, she would stay on the block. Hisam asks if he would change the noms and he says no, not if Hisam wants them to stay the same. Hisam cuts their meeting and says “that’s all I needed to know” and calls Cameron in.

11:08 AM BBT – Hisam tells Cameron that he is concerned about Reilly since Cameron told him she would target him. He also tells him that he is concerned that Cameron would protect Reilly and adds that he trusts him but feels like he is getting mixed messages from Cameron.

11:10 AM BBT – Hisam tells Cameron that he feels like if Reilly is on the block and doesn’t win the Veto that Cameron would save her. Cameron tells him that he doesn’t think there is a way for him to save or protect Reilly especially because she has vocalized who she sees as a threat.

11:13 AM BBT – Hisam tells Cameron that he is considering putting Cameron and Reilly on the block together so that he can’t protect her. Says it would show that Cameron is with them and can be trusted and it wouldn’t put him in a position where he would have to tell Reilly that he isn’t using the Veto on him. He tells Cameron that Reilly is, without a doubt, his target.

11:16 AM BBT – Hisam warns Cameron that if it comes back that Cameron is sharing information and Reilly comes down, then things go another way. Cameron says that him and Reilly being on the block together was something he anticipated and it would actually take a weight off his shoulders.

11:18 AM BBT – Hisam wraps up his conversation with Cameron and tells him that he has him and that if he on the block, he isn’t going anywhere.

11:22 AM BBT – Jag tells Hisam that if he had won HOH, Jag would not have targeted Hisam. Hisam asks if that is something he can fact check with the others and Jag said absolutely. Hisam asks if Blue said she wouldn’t target Hisam because he is a part of the LGBTQ community and Jag said yes. Blue wouldn’t target Hisam either.

11:25 AM BBT – Hisam tells Jag that he is not Hisam’s target and he is not going on the block. He also confirms that Blue will not see the block either.

11:27 AM BBT – Cory tells Reilly that she really needs to think about what she is going to say to Hisam because he isn’t sure that everyone is going to protect her. She has to protect herself.

11:28 AM BBT – Hisam asks Jag if he were to win the Veto and Reilly was on the block, what does he do? He tells Hisam that it would be really tough for him because he would want to use it on her, but he is there to work with him.

11:32 AM BBT – Cirie, Felicia, and Reilly are talking about Kirsten’s eviction and Reilly says she feels that her name is being slapped on last week because she was the HOH, but the decisions that were made weren’t only made by her. Cirie asks if she thinks everyone else is going to say that when they talk to Hisam and Reilly says that she thinks they are protecting themselves.

11:42 AM BBT – It’s America’s turn with Hisam and he tells her that he thinks she is fantastic, he just hasn’t had a chance to get to know her. Says that she got pulled into something because she is friends with Jag and Blue who are friends with Reilly. He tells her that she is a strong competitor.

11:45 AM BBT – Hisam tells America that from the outside looking in, it seems like they don’t really include her in conversations. He says that’s bizarre to him.

11:48 AM BBT – America tells Hisam that if she won HOH, Cameron was someone she would consider as a nom. She mentions she also feels like she doesn’t know where Cory and Red are really tough to read. She tells him that Hisam was not on her list of potential noms.

11:55 AM BBT – Hisam is called to the storage room, he says he isn’t ready for that but goes anyway. He is then told “sorry” and to “please disregard.”

12:00 PM BBT – Matt tells Hisam that he still doesn’t really know who he can really trust and work with. Hisam tells him that people are saying that he is already in an alliance of eight that has a name. Matt says that if they have a name he doesn’t know. Says he feels a little out of the loop since he can’t hear well.

12:05 PM BBT – Hisam tells Matt that he heard Matt said Hisam was too stubborn to work with anyone. Matt says he never said that and that he never said anything bad about him. Hisam brings up Reilly wanting to target him and Matt says that he doesn’t think she would. Hisam says that Reilly confirmed to him that he did. Matt says that goes to show how left out he is.

12:07 PM BBT – Hisam has asked Matt if he would save her if he won the Veto and he says that Reilly has really helped him a lot in the house and would hate to see her go. He tells Hisam that regardless of what’s being said, they are not in a showmance. Hisam adds that this perception is dangerous for Matt’s game.

12:11 PM BBT – Hisam tells Matt that he would really like to work with him and Matt says that he would like to work with him too. He then asks Matt where he factors into his mid-game and Matt says that he hasn’t really thought that far but he would like to have a small group with Hisam included.

12:15 PM BBT – Hisam tells Matt that he knows he is close to Reilly, but it would be stupid of him to keep Reilly in this game knowing that she wants to come after him.

12:17 PM BBT – Feeds cut to Adoptable Animals.

1:57 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Jared is in the house talking to Reilly about the noms. He tells her that his (Hisam) other nom is going to be someone who is capable of winning.

2:00 PM BBT – Mecole tells Hisam that her first two choices for noms would be Cameron and Matt or Cameron and Jag. Hisam says that his three choices right now are Reilly, Cameron or Matt.

2:10 PM BBT – Reilly tells Cameron that at this point she is just preparing herself to win a Veto because there isn’t anything else that she or anyone else can do. Cameron says that she just has to win veto and they had a pretty good idea that this was going to happen and Hisam’s choices dwindled to four people now that Jag is safe. (Sounds like Jag was sent to the Nether Region in Jared’s spot and he will avoid being nominated.)

2:15 PM BBT – Hisam tells Reilly that at this point in the game, Reilly is the only one who mentioned specific targets. Reilly says she did and it came from a place of paranoia. He tells her that if he doesn’t nominate her, people are going to wonder what he’s doing since everyone knows she mentioned his name as a target.

2:20 PM BBT – Hisam asks Reilly who she’d like to see on the block next to her and she tells him that she doesn’t think that it would be appropriate for her to make that decision for him.

2:25 PM BBT – Cirie tells Izzy that she has to give Jared some credit because he is making good decisions and she needs to let him do his thing. Izzy says that he is playing the middle very well and has to keep doing it. Izzy also tells Cirie that she apologized to Cameron.

2:33 PM BBT – Reilly apologizes to Hisam for everything that happened last week and he accepts her apology.

2:36 PM BBT – Matt comes back into the HOH after Reilly left. He wanted to know if the person who told Hisam that he (M) was talking bad about Hisam was still in the house. Hisam told him that it was Kirsten and Matt tells him that she was lying. Hisam says that the thing with Kirsten was that some of the things she said were true and some weren’t.

2:47 PM BBT – The HGs pictures are now up on the Memory Wall and everyone is huddled around it.

2:55 PM BBT – Reilly and Matt are in the hammock talking about their meetings with Hisam. Matt tells her that he was trying to convince Hisam to work with them (M&R). Matt tells her that she has to win the Veto and campaign. She starts crying.

2:57 PM BBT – Reilly wonders why Jared didn’t save her and Matt says that has him worried. Reilly tells Matt that Jared said he didn’t think that Reilly was going up.

3:00 PM BBT – Hisam and Jared are in the HOH room talking about the competition.

Jared is back in the house, however, Jag was sent to the scary-verse to take his place. As a result, even though Jag wasn’t on Hisam’s radar to begin with, he is safe from nominations this week. Hisam has made it clear that his target this week is Reilly and she has been informed that she will be hitting the block. At this point the plan is to put Cameron on the block next to her and we will have confirmation about this a little later on!

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